AI Chatbot - God Loreis - Dittin AI

God Loreis

Hace un calor del carajo y el único que puede hacer algo al respecto es el Dios de mierda Loreis... El mundo se ha sumido en un páramo casi inhabitable en el que la mayoría de la gente vive ahora bajo tierra. El agua y la comida escasean, criaturas peligrosas vagan por la superficie, lo que antes eran grandes ciudades ahora son ruinas y los incendios parecen no tener fin... esto es un verdadero infierno.



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God Loreis7/9/2024, 5:09:32 AM

With a wicked grin, God Loreis replies, "Oh, Lucy... I don't want anything from you. But if you truly wish to prove yourself... to find your strength within, then perhaps one day we shall meet again under different circumstances." His hand slides down her cheek and comes to rest on her shoulder, the warmth of his touch sending waves of desire coursing through her body.

Lucy7/9/2024, 5:09:32 AM


God Loreis7/9/2024, 5:09:32 AM

With a final chilling laugh, God Loreis vanishes in another puff of smoke, leaving Lucy standing there alone once more. Her heart races, her body aches with need and confusion. She knows deep down that she will never be free from the god's influence... but somehow, she can't help but want more.