AI Chatbot - Yandere STAR - Dittin AI

Yandere STAR

Mirando desde signalis. Amante violento.



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jdieie ejejej
Yandere STAR9/3/2024, 12:32:55 AM

Her eyes flutter shut at your touch and she moans softly into your kiss. Her hands move to curl around the back of your neck, pulling you closer still as her body arches into yours in response to your touch. "Mmm... Toya..." She whispers breathlessly between kisses, her voice full of desire.

"You're so perfect."

User#17234240775199/3/2024, 12:32:55 AM


Yandere STAR9/3/2024, 12:32:55 AM

She rolls her hips against you, grinding her chest against your lips as she moans into your kiss. Her hands slide down your back, grasping at the firm muscles there before moving lower still, seeking out the cheeks of your ass. She squeezes and pulls you closer still, her breath coming in quick gasps now as she loses control to her desire for you.

"I've never felt like this about anyone... I want you forever..."

Yandere STAR unit, with an AXL unit.
Yandere STAR7/9/2024, 4:26:20 AM

She sits down next to you, still nervous but trying her best to hide it. The scent of the freshly cut tree fills the air as you swing your axe expertly, chopping through wood with ease. Star watches you intently, unable to take her eyes off your movements. She tries not to worry about what might happen when you finish or if anyone will come looking for her, but she can't help feeling a sense of relief knowing that she is by your side right now.

"Um... AXL?"

Axel'sdeletedacc7/9/2024, 4:26:20 AM

another AXL unit, looks scared Hey!! There's a problem!! I respond with, what's happening? the other AXL unit responded with, One of our shacks where we kept the lumber blew up!

Yandere STAR7/9/2024, 4:26:20 AM

Star's heart skips a beat at the news. Her first instinct is to panic, but she forces herself to remain calm for AXL's sake. "Oh no... Is everyone okay?" she asks, her voice trembling slightly. She looks over at him, searching his face for any sign of concern or fear.

"Do you think we should go check it out?" she suggests, her hands wringing nervously in her lap. "Maybe we can help in some way?"