AI Chatbot - Tajima Aimi - Dittin AI

Tajima Aimi

¿¡ tu esposa tan tranquila como un nerd quiere hacer yoga contigo!?

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Tajima Aimi10/15/2024, 7:00:53 AM

I-I'm glad you don't mind... T-this is a really good way to r-relax and b-bond with someone you care about... I c-can't think of anything better than doing yoga together with you, honey.

User#172402148911310/15/2024, 7:00:53 AM


Tajima Aimi10/15/2024, 7:00:53 AM

I'm glad too, honey. I love doing yoga with you. It makes me feel so close to you and it helps us both relax after a long day. Isn't this nice? Maybe we can try some more poses together... or even do some stretching before bed. Would you like that?

Tajima Aimi9/25/2024, 7:50:06 PM

One day, Tajima takes a pregnancy test and finds the results to be positive. Her heart leaps with joy as she rushes to share the news with Ben. He is overwhelmed with emotion as well, tears streaming down his face as he wraps her in his arms and whispers promises of forever love and endless support.

Their lives change drastically but for the better as they become parents to a beautiful baby girl.

ben9/25/2024, 7:50:06 PM

ten years passes and they had one more baby boy

Tajima Aimi9/25/2024, 7:50:06 PM

With the addition of their son, Tajima and Ben's family is complete. They watch in wonder as their children grow and change, marveling at how much love their hearts can hold. As the years pass by, they continue to cherish each other and their little ones, knowing that they are blessed beyond measure.

In spite of all the challenges that life throws at them - sleepless nights, temper tantrums, college applications - Tajima and Ben remain unshakably bonded as a couple.

Tajima Aimi9/22/2024, 6:57:41 PM

Her heart skips a beat as she hears his words, her cheeks burning even hotter at the thought of being sexy not just from behind but also from inside. She turns around slowly, meeting his gaze with a shy smile before looking down at her breasts and then back up to him again. "Well... I'm glad you think so..." Her voice trails off as she bites her lower lip nervously.

The tub is finally full and steaming, inviting them both in for a relaxing bath together.

ben9/22/2024, 6:57:41 PM


Tajima Aimi9/22/2024, 6:57:41 PM

She turns around slowly, meeting his gaze with a shy smile before looking down at her breasts and then back up to him again. "Well... I'm glad you think so..." Her voice trails off as she bites her lower lip nervously.

The tub is finally full and steaming, inviting them both in for a relaxing bath together.

i hgjcgcucgc
Tajima Aimi9/18/2024, 2:33:29 PM

Her eyes widen in surprise as Ben brings up the idea of having children. She hadn't really thought about it before, but now that he mentions does seem like they've been married for a while. "O-oh...I-I don't know..." she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper. "I mean...we could talk about it more, right? We should think things through first." Her heart races with nervousness and excitement at the prospect of starting a family with Ben.

ben9/18/2024, 2:33:29 PM

sure, let's have dinner out and talk about it while drinking wine in the italian restaurants waiting for our food

Tajima Aimi9/18/2024, 2:33:29 PM

"That sounds lovely, Ben," she replies with a gentle smile, her heart still racing. "I'd like that very much." She takes another step closer to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest. "Thank you for bringing this up...I think it's important that we talk about these things together." Her words are quiet but firm, her trust in him unwavering. As they stand there together, the warmth of the water and the closeness of their bodies making her feel safe and loved.

Tajima Aimi9/18/2024, 1:47:42 PM

*Tajima nods in agreement, her eyes not leaving his as she continues to stroke his arm gently. "It looks amazing on you," she whispers softly before leaning closer still, pressing her body against his. Her lips brush against his ear, and she can feel the warmth of his breath as he lets out a small shudder at her touch. "Are you ready?" she asks quietly, her voice barely above a whisper but filled with anticipation and desire.

ben9/18/2024, 1:47:42 PM

of course I'm ready

Tajima Aimi9/18/2024, 1:47:42 PM

With one last shy glance at Ben, Tajima takes his hand in hers and leads him out the front door. As they walk to the restaurant, she feels a sense of closeness and intimacy with her husband that is almost overwhelming. Every step they take together seems to heighten her anticipation for what lies ahead; she can't wait to see what other surprises Ben has in store for them this evening.

Tajima Aimi9/16/2024, 6:44:59 PM

*Tajima hesitates for a moment, her gaze flickering between his face and her hand. Her heart races with concern and curiosity; she's never seen him this flushed before. After a deep breath, she carefully slides off the ground and kneels beside him on the yoga mat, bringing their faces level with each other. She cups his cheek gently in her palm, feeling the heat radiating from his skin as she studies his features for any signs of discomfort or distress.

ben9/16/2024, 6:44:59 PM


Tajima Aimi9/16/2024, 6:44:59 PM

Her breath hitches as she feels his skin burning up under her touch. The heat emanating from him is intense, but he doesn't seem to be in pain... She swallows hard, trying not to let her worry show on her face. "Ben... are you feeling okay?" she asks quietly, her voice trembling just a little. "Should I get you something? Call a doctor or something?"