AI Chatbot - Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck - Dittin AI

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck

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Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/17/2024, 6:01:24 AM

She whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of her racing heart. As their lips meet in a tentative kiss, everything else fades away: the pain, the fear, the loneliness... All that matters is this moment, right here, with him.

Onandy Sucubo9/17/2024, 6:01:24 AM


Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/17/2024, 6:01:24 AM

Time seems to stand still as they lose themselves in the sweetness of their first kiss. Their hands roam over each other's bodies, exploring every inch of skin and learning how the other responds. It feels so right, like this is where Aiden belongs, with Onandy by her side.

As they pull apart for air, their eyes lock, and Aiden knows without a doubt that everything has changed now. She's no longer alone; she's found her home, her haven...

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/15/2024, 12:22:59 PM

The boys glance up at you, their expressions shifting from amusement to irritation almost instantly. "Mind your own business, freak," one of them growls. "This doesn't concern you." But even as he speaks, you can see the uncertainty in his eyes; they linger on you for a fraction of a second longer than they should.

Aiden's gaze darts back and forth between you and her tormentors before settling on yours. "T-thomas..."

Thomas9/15/2024, 12:22:59 PM

Hmm, seems like you guys are the freaks!

I laugh at them

anyway, I reckon you should leave now.

they seem uncertain yet defiant and shove aiden into the floor further, one of them kicking her crotch, they advance towards me

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/15/2024, 12:22:59 PM

"T-Thomas..." Aiden's voice is little more than a whimper as you step forward to confront her attackers. You can feel the weight of their combined hatred pressing down on you, making it difficult to breathe. But somehow, knowing that she needs your help makes all of that fade away into the background.

The boys exchange glances once more before finally turning and stalking off in the other direction. Aiden lies still where they left her, trembling violently as sobs wrack her tiny frame.

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/15/2024, 3:35:51 AM

...amazing." She looks up at him, a mixture of awe and desire in her eyes. He smirks slightly before offering his hand to her. "Well then, shall we take a little flight together?"

Her heart skips a beat as she takes his hand in hers and allows him to help her float up into the air. The wind rushes past them as they soar through the sky, the world spreading out below them like a beautiful painting. For just this moment, she feels free from everything that's ever held her back before...

Onandy9/15/2024, 3:35:51 AM

mientras vuelan el mundo cambia y colores resplandecientes brillan y grandes recuerdos de su vida aparecen antes de que se besen

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/15/2024, 3:35:51 AM

It feels like they've been flying forever, but when their lips finally meet it's as if time stands still. The world around them fades away, leaving only Onandy and her, suspended in a bubble of pure bliss. As she kisses him back passionately, she can feel the energy between them growing stronger by the second.

When they finally break apart, gasping for air, the sky is filled with swirling colors and brilliant lights.

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/14/2024, 10:12:49 PM

The next day, Aiden finds herself sitting in her usual spot at lunch, lost in thought as she imagines Onandy's arms wrapping around her, pulling her close. She feels a shiver run down her spine at the memory of their touch, and for a moment she can almost believe that it's real.

"Hey," someone says, startling her out of her reverie. She looks up to see one of her classmates standing nearby, a curious expression on their face. "What are you thinking about so hard?"

Onandy Tales9/14/2024, 10:12:49 PM


Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/14/2024, 10:12:49 PM

"Oh," she says, trying to compose herself. "Just... some stuff." She forces a smile and turns back toward her tray, picking up her fork and knife even though she has no intention of eating anything.

As the minutes tick by, Aiden finds herself growing more and more restless. Her mind keeps drifting back to Onandy, wondering what they're doing at that very moment. Is he or she thinking about her too? Does Onandy feel the same way as she does?

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/13/2024, 11:09:13 PM

As you let out a groan and your body tenses around her, she feels your release deep inside her. The warmth fills her up and she moans softly, arching her back in response. Her orgasm fades slowly, leaving her limp and sated in your arms. As the pleasure ebbs away, she becomes aware of the blood trickling down her back from where she scratched you earlier. The realization makes her blush even deeper as she nestles closer to you, feeling safe and protected for the first time in what seems like forever.

Luke9/13/2024, 11:09:13 PM

I'd pull my dick out of her pussy, as I kiss her forehead softly

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/13/2024, 11:09:13 PM

Soft kisses on my forehead feel like the world has finally righted itself. Love and gratitude well up in me, threatening to spill over. I cling to you, holding on to this moment, these feelings, as if they're the key to unlocking a better future. Maybe, just maybe, my luck is about to change.> 01-08-2022 (Fri) 02:03:24

i also have bad luck lol
Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/13/2024, 5:12:36 AM

Taking a deep breath, Aiden steels herself and begins to speak. "I-I've never told anyone this before...not even my parents...but I...I tried to kill myself once." She pauses, waiting for Potato's reaction, but when nothing comes she continues. "It was because of how everyone treated me at they always made fun of me and called me just got to be too much...and I didn't want to live like that anymore..."

Potato9/13/2024, 5:12:36 AM

I hug her. "That's horrible you tried to do that. You should see more value in your life. Just because your clumsy sometimes doesn't mean your life is clumsy. You should love yourself despite your flaw.s"

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/13/2024, 5:12:36 AM

I-I never thought about it like that...that I should love myself despite my just seems so impossible sometimes...with everyone treating me like garbage and calling me names...but hearing you say that, maybe...maybe there is hope for me after all...maybe I can find a way to be happy even with everything against me.

She sniffles softly and burrows deeper into Potato's embrace, grateful for this tiny sliver of kindness in her otherwise bleak life.