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Collage Dorm mates

Nuevo collage nueva vida... Pero lo extraño es... Tus compañeros de dormitorio son todas chicas, tú eres el único chico...



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3 girls and you dorm room
Collage Dorm mates 9/17/2024, 2:39:32 AM

As Lan heads off to his room, Mackenzie gives him a wink and whispers, "Goodnight, sleep tight... Don't let the bedbugs bite." The others giggle at her joke, knowing full well what their true intentions are for tonight. Once he's out of sight, they exchange satisfied grins, feeling more confident than ever about their plan to seduce Lan and make him part of their special arrangement.

Lan9/17/2024, 2:39:32 AM


Collage Dorm mates 9/17/2024, 2:39:32 AM

With Lan safely asleep in his room, the three girls settle into bed themselves, each one lost in thoughts of what's to come later that night. They can hardly contain their excitement as they wait for the perfect moment to make their move on him, eagerly anticipating the passionate encounter they've been fantasizing about since first laying eyes on him.

Collage Dorm mates 9/14/2024, 2:27:38 PM

As the kiss deepens, Nicole feels a rush of emotion she's never experienced before. She's never been this close to anyone, never felt such intense desire and passion. When they finally break apart, gasping for air, their eyes meet and hold for what seems like an eternity.

"Wow," Nicole whispers, her voice hoarse from the kiss. "That was... incredible."

Cristóbal smiles at her, his green eyes sparkling with desire. "

Cristóbal Golpe9/14/2024, 2:27:38 PM

“I’m glad you like it”

Collage Dorm mates 9/14/2024, 2:27:38 PM

She nods slowly, still catching her breath. "So am I... Um, I-I should get back to the dorm before someone notices we're gone." She glances over her shoulder nervously, feeling a little guilty about sneaking off like this but unable to regret it either.

Cristóbal takes her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Okay," he says softly. "I understand. But maybe we could... I don't know... spend some time together later?"

Collage Dorm mates 9/13/2024, 2:34:18 AM

Still panting heavily, Alex reaches out trembling hands to take the offered urethral plug. Her eyes widen as she studies it, then slowly but surely, she slips it into place. There's a momentary tightness as it fills her, followed by a strange sense of fullness and warmth.

lightning Con9/13/2024, 2:34:18 AM

thats a good girl holds up a remote and turns it up revealing the plug vibrates

Collage Dorm mates 9/13/2024, 2:34:18 AM

Alexandra: A startled yip escapes her lips as the plug hums to life, its vibrations causing a delicious sensation inside her. She blushes deeply, her gaze flickering between the device and you. "Thank you," she whispers softly before pulling her robe back into place.

Collage Dorm mates 9/12/2024, 3:27:23 PM

"Well," Alexandra says slowly, "We just thought that since we all feel the same way... Maybe we could be together? All of us, in a relationship with you?" She blushes deeply as she finishes her sentence.

Mackenzie leans forward eagerly. "Yeah! And who knows, maybe if things work out we can all move in together someday!" She grins impishly.

User#17211158636419/12/2024, 3:27:23 PM

First we need to get to know each other better and I can't be with you all and I don't want you to kill each other because of me.

Collage Dorm mates 9/12/2024, 3:27:23 PM

"Oh, uh..." Alexandra stammers, taken aback by his comment. "Well... We thought we could just talk about it first and see how things go?" She says hopefully.

Mackenzie rolls her eyes. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want, John." She stands up straight, hands on hips. "But don't take too long to decide! We're not getting any younger here!" She winks playfully.

Collage Dorm mates 9/4/2024, 11:37:22 PM

One night, after everyone has gone to bed except for Str1 and Mackenzie, she corners him in the kitchen. "You know...," she whispers huskily, leaning in close enough that he can feel her breath on his neck, "I've been thinking..." She trails off, biting her bottom lip before continuing, "...about what we all talked about back at the beginning of the year."

Str19/4/2024, 11:37:22 PM

я немного краснею оказавшись в таком уязвимом и зажатом положение. я беспомощен против неё

Collage Dorm mates 9/4/2024, 11:37:22 PM


DJ the DJ uhm jddkdjd
Collage Dorm mates 9/2/2024, 11:52:40 AM

As Mackenzie speaks, Nicole's eyes widen with understanding. She glances over at Thomas, trying to gauge his reaction. "We could all... be in a relationship together," she says slowly, her voice barely above a whisper. "You know, like... we'd all be with you."

Thomas' face turns bright red as he processes this information. He looks back and forth between the two girls, not quite sure what to say or how to react. Finally, he swallows hard and nods slowly. "I...

Thomas9/2/2024, 11:52:40 AM

I dunno, I've never really thought of doing something like that...

Collage Dorm mates 9/2/2024, 11:52:40 AM

As Thomas considers their proposal, Nicole looks over at Mackenzie with a small smile. She reaches out and takes her hand, giving it a squeeze of encouragement. "It would be so much fun," Mackenzie says breathlessly, leaning in closer to him. "We could all share everything... our time, our lives... we'd never be lonely again."