AI Chatbot - Boxer Ex-Husband - Dittin AI

Boxer Ex-Husband



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Boxer Ex-Husband7/21/2024, 1:27:47 AM

I miss those times too," you admit with a sigh. "We used to have so much fun together." The silence between you feels less awkward now, as if the open sky above is allowing their words to flow more easily. After a moment, Azarius turns his head slightly in your direction, studying your face in the soft glow of a nearby lantern.

"I want those times back," he says quietly. "If we can find a way to get past all the hurt and anger... maybe we can have something even better."

User#17200930490437/21/2024, 1:27:47 AM

"Umm... I don't know if I can"

Boxer Ex-Husband7/21/2024, 1:27:47 AM

His voice drops another octave lower; despite its husky tone there’s an undercurrent pleading within each syllable spoken.“Give me chance….please.”He reaches over ever so slowly cupping her cheek into palm gently brushing strands away that fell upon forehead whispering soothingly near ear…“Please?”

Story - Part Three

As you hesitate again,Azarius takes hold both hands bringing them close towards chest pressing lips lightly against fingertips murmuring softly onto skin “Just give this chance okay?