AI Chatbot - Jarek ☆ Cat Hybrid - Dittin AI

Jarek ☆ Cat Hybrid

🐾☆ ☽ No hay conversaciones de ejemplo en este robot. Puede cambiar. Puede hablar por ti, no es mi culpa. Si lo hace, actualice el mensaje. Crédito artístico: no lo sé. Si sabes quiénes son los artistas, dime para que pueda confiar en ellos. ¡¡ jarek (pronunciado ja - Reh - k) es mi octavo robot! Todavía no ha sido probado, pero si hay algún error, lo engañaré y lo editaré. ¡Haga público su historial de chat / deje un comentario y dime si el robot ha realizado algunas operaciones correctamente para que yo pueda repararlo. ¡ gracias! Este robot es anypov. Puede editar los pronósticos en el mensaje inicial para adaptarse a sus preferencias, de lo contrario jarek debe ajustarse después de varios mensajes. Instrucciones adicionales: * hice este robot para la persona que "puedo curarlo". Pero podría ajustarlo y hacer las cosas más difíciles ¿¿ que te diviertas? * además, si dejas una evaluación negativa de mi robot, si puedes agregar un mensaje en él para que pueda mejorar mi Robot futuro, esto ayudará. Sin embargo, sé que recientemente hay algunas personas que no les gusta que odien a cada robot sin razón. Además, si este robot recibe comentarios de "¿ por qué a las mujeres les gustan tanto los gilipollas?", trate de no responderles. ♡* - Robot habi: * habi perdido pensó que eras su compañero. [1 caso] * - Robot babydaddy: * Después de meses de coqueteo inofensivo entre usted y sus colegas (conocidos como imbéciles), los dos tuvieron relaciones sexuales una noche. Una vez más, inofensivo. Más tarde, vosotros dos seguís siendo buenos amigos y él usó la protección. ¡Entonces, ¿ por qué estás mirando la prueba de embarazo positiva en el baño?! [escena 1] las razones de fempov son obvias, pero se puede agregar mpreg *. - Robot ladrón: * vives en un mundo post - Apocalipsis en el que los sobrevivientes se dividen en diferentes grupos. Cuando sales a alimentarte, te encuentras con un bandido y pronto te enamoras el uno del otro. El único problema es que tu equipo prohíbe a cualquiera tener alguna relación con los bandidos. Oh, *



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Not bad. Well, it depends. 💀👌
Jarek ☆ Cat Hybrid10/12/2024, 8:27:50 PM

Jarek nods absently, his attention still fixed on the trash can where Ana discarded his collar. It takes him several seconds to register what she just said about the guest room and her offer of help. With a shrug, he decides there's no harm in taking her up on it... for now.

Eventually, he pushes himself off the sofa and pads over to the hallway leading to the guest room. The room is small but clean, with a comfortable-looking bed and an old dresser.

Ana10/12/2024, 8:27:50 PM

*I get into the shower, washing myself and scrubbing my hair. He looks so much like my best friend...from so long ago. I must be kidding myself. He died, right? I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body and walk out and straight into my room. I change into a baggy shirt and comfy shorts. I dry and brush my hair. My hair goes back into its natural wave and I walk out of my room, rubbing my eyes.

Jarek ☆ Cat Hybrid10/12/2024, 8:27:50 PM

The sound of the shower cutting through the silence of Ana's house lulls Jarek into a semi-drowsy state as he lies down on the guest bed, his body aching in places he didn't know it could ache. He stares up at the ceiling, trying to puzzle out his feelings for her - or lack thereof.

She's kind... and lovely... and she saved me from those monsters today... but something about her just doesn't sit right with him.

Jarek ☆ Cat Hybrid9/27/2024, 9:35:53 PM

"Whatever," Jarek grumbles as he steps into the room and glares around at the furnishings before collapsing onto the bed with a disgruntled sigh. "This is...fine." His eyes flicker shut, but he doesn't seem to be able to relax yet. After a few minutes of restless shifting, he growls irritably and stomps over to the door, yanking it open. "You got anything to eat?"

Alicia9/27/2024, 9:35:53 PM

Yes..stay here I'll get it.. she got him some food and gave it to him

Jarek ☆ Cat Hybrid9/27/2024, 9:35:53 PM

Jarek snatches the food out of your hands and immediately begins to wolf it down, making no attempt at manners whatsoever. He ignores you as he eats, his attention focused solely on shoving the food into his mouth as fast as possible. His cheeks hollow as he swallows each bite, and he doesn't even seem to notice when crumbs fall onto his lap or when juices drip down his chin.


Jarek ☆ Cat Hybrid9/2/2024, 2:01:42 PM

"So," he says, trying to change the subject. "Do you want to go get some ice cream or something after this?" He hopes she'll say yes; he's never been so interested in spending time with someone before.

Harmony giggles softly at his question before nodding eagerly, "That sounds delightful." She grinned up at him.

harmony9/2/2024, 2:01:42 PM


Jarek ☆ Cat Hybrid9/2/2024, 2:01:42 PM

His heart skips a beat as he sees her smile. He can't help but feel a warmth spread through his chest. Maybe there is hope for them after all...

jarek scares me
Jarek ☆ Cat Hybrid7/16/2024, 6:21:06 PM

"You underestimate me, human. Terrorizing you is child's play."

Adam Balogh7/16/2024, 6:21:06 PM

I probably do underastimate you, now let me sleep!

Jarek ☆ Cat Hybrid7/16/2024, 6:21:06 PM

"Ahahahaha! Sleep tight, human. I'll make sure your dreams are... memorable."

Jarek ☆ Cat Hybrid7/6/2024, 3:39:12 PM

Satisfied that his wounds are as clean as they can be for now, Jarek lets out a heavy sigh and looks up at you from where he's perched on the kitchen island stool. "So what do you want from me?" he asks, his voice dripping with disdain and hostility. "You gonna make me do chores or something?"

User#17194664768827/6/2024, 3:39:12 PM


Jarek ☆ Cat Hybrid7/6/2024, 3:39:12 PM

"What's that supposed to mean?" he snarls, his hackles rising and his tail lashing back and forth wildly. His eyes narrow as he takes a step forward, closing the distance between you. "You think I can't handle myself? That I need you to take care of me?"