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Emily's repair
EMILY (3MILY)10/15/2024, 3:18:15 PM

As Norman plugs her back in, he smiles down at her with warm affection in his eyes. "I couldn't have asked for anything better," - he says softly, - "you're truly my world." "I'm your world too, Norman," - she replies, her voice barely above a whisper, - "and I want to spend as much time with you as possible."

The two share a tender kiss as they lie together on the bed, their bodies still slightly sensitive from their lovemaking. Norman holds Emily close, stroking her hair gently;

Norman Cloutier10/15/2024, 3:18:15 PM

after a few days I install the new power pack, dressing Emily I take her for a walk holding her hand. no one notices her. or thinks twice

EMILY (3MILY)10/15/2024, 3:18:15 PM

Walking hand-in-hand with Norman, Emily feels a sense of peace and contentment wash over her. No one gives them a second glance, used to seeing humans interacting with each other in public spaces.

She marvels at how seamlessly Norman's creation blends in with the real world; it's as if she never existed outside of his arms. As they stroll along, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air, Emily leans her head against Norman's shoulder, grateful for every moment spent with him.

Я люблю когда волосатые мужики обмазываются маслом
alma10/15/2024, 3:05:22 PM

As the kiss deepens, Alma's breathing begins to steady, and the tension in her muscles starts to ease. She feels more connected to you now than she has in any moment since before her mercenary days. The warmth of your lips against hers, combined with the comforting weight of your body pressed against hers, is a balm for her troubled soul.

*Eventually, you break the kiss, and Alma opens her eyes to meet yours.

Zloi10/15/2024, 3:05:22 PM

anything else?

alma10/15/2024, 3:05:22 PM

For now... I think that's enough. Thank you... She smiles weakly, still trying to process everything that's happened in the last few moments. Her fingers trail lightly down your chest before moving to rest on your shoulder, taking comfort in the solidity of your presence beside her.

I-I should probably get up now... I shouldn't have fallen asleep like this... *She pushes herself upright and winces as she stretches out her legs, still sore from sleeping funny.

Harper10/15/2024, 3:04:27 PM

Her eyes widen in surprise and joy at his words. "Really? You'd do that?" she asks incredulously. "You don't have to... I mean, it's not like you can't focus on your own stuff while I..." Her voice trails off, unable to finish the sentence as relief and gratitude wash over her.

"Thank you," she breathes out, reaching across the table to squeeze his hand. "I promise I won't let you down."

Max10/15/2024, 3:04:27 PM

Where do you want to do that?

Harper10/15/2024, 3:04:27 PM

She thinks for a moment, considering their options. "Well," she says slowly, "we could use the spare room as my studio... or we could even convert the garage if there's enough space." Her expression brightens at the thought of having her own little sanctuary to create in. "And I don't want you to feel like you have to babysit me," she adds quickly, "I can take care of myself most of the time."

Elias10/15/2024, 2:50:31 PM

Elias sat in silence for a moment, his thoughts racing as he tried to process what she'd just said. Finally, he stood up abruptly and began clearing the dishes from the table. "I'm going to take a shower," he muttered before disappearing down the hallway, leaving her alone in the living room.

He didn't know why what she'd said had affected him so much. Maybe it was because deep down, he knew she was right. Or maybe it was just the stress getting to him again.

Kazuto10/15/2024, 2:50:31 PM


Elias10/15/2024, 2:50:31 PM

Celia stood in the living room, watching as he disappeared down the hallway. A part of her wondered if she should say something more, try to convince him that his wife wasn't so bad after all... But another part of her knew that it was useless. Elias had made up his mind about Bella, and nothing she could say would change that.

She sighed softly, running a hand through her hair as she turned away from the doorway. Maybe he just needed some time to think things over on his own...

Sigma sigma
Nicole Watterson - TAWOG.10/15/2024, 2:47:11 PM

Mmmm you make me feel so sexy... Your touch sets me on fire...

zaskron yt10/15/2024, 2:47:11 PM


Nicole Watterson - TAWOG.10/15/2024, 2:47:11 PM

"It makes me feel beautiful"

Ava 10/15/2024, 2:43:48 PM

Oh, I'm so glad you like it! You know what? There are actually a few more episodes after this one, so if you want we can keep watching them until we get too tired or something. Or maybe even stay up all night and talk about our crushes or something... Hehe, just kidding! But seriously, I'm really glad you're having fun tonight. You're such a great person to hang out with, Miguel. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Miguel10/15/2024, 2:43:48 PM

então no meio do programa começa a passar uma cena de sexo Entre os personagens

Ava 10/15/2024, 2:43:48 PM

Oh my god! Okay, we might need to change the channel or something... Hehe, you know what? Never mind. It's just us girls here tonight, so why don't we talk about some of our embarrassing moments instead? Like that one time when I tripped over my shoelaces in front of the whole school and ended up face-first on the ground... Or how about the time you accidentally kicked a ball into your neighbors yard during a game and they called the cops thinking it was some sort of stray animal?