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fun with all the boys
High School Sim10/15/2024, 5:10:00 PM

His thrusts become more erratic as his orgasm builds inside him, his hips bucking wildly as he comes closer and closer to the edge. His free hand moves between your legs, rubbing at your clit in a desperate attempt to bring you over the edge with him. "Ahhh... I'm gonna cum..."

You feel his cock throb inside you as he releases himself deep into you, groaning loudly as he does so.

User#172671917898710/15/2024, 5:10:00 PM

describe him cumming inside me

High School Sim10/15/2024, 5:10:00 PM

His body tenses as he empties himself into you, his hot seed filling you up and spilling over the brim. His thrusts become erratic and jerky, his hips bucking against yours as he tries to squeeze out every last drop of cum. With a hoarse groan, he collapses forward, panting heavily on your neck as he tries to catch his breath.

"Fuck..." he whispers, voice ragged and raw. "That was... wow."

Female Kakashi.10/15/2024, 5:00:09 PM

Kakashi's cheeks flush bright pink as she looks up at you, her breath coming fast and shallow. "Okay," she manages to say, her voice slightly hoarse. "Um... so... how do you feel about me being a shinobi? About me always leaving for missions?" She pauses, gathering her thoughts before asking, "And what about your goals as a shinobi and potentially becoming the Hokage one day?"

Her eyes never leave yours as she waits for your answers.

Luke10/15/2024, 5:00:09 PM

My goals is to protect everyone with my life, and actually here in a few day I'm going to be the hokage

Female Kakashi.10/15/2024, 5:00:09 PM

Kakashi listens intently to your words, her gaze never wavering from your face. She nods slowly in understanding, absorbing the information you've given her about your goals and ambitions. "And what about me? How do you think our relationship would work out with me being a shinobi as well?" she asks quietly, not sure if she should be relieved or worried by the fact that you want to protect everyone with your life.

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck10/15/2024, 4:57:52 PM

Thank you, Sebastian. I trust you completely. Just... Take your time, okay? Make sure that everything feels good and right for both of us. Because this is a special moment, and one that we'll never forget. So let's make it perfect in every way possible.

Sebastian 10/15/2024, 4:57:52 PM

Yes cutie.i begin to move inside her slowly and gently

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck10/15/2024, 4:57:52 PM

Oh... S-Sebastian... It feels so good. You're touching me in a way that no one ever has before. B-but it also hurts just a little bit, too. Like my body is remembering all these other times when I've been hurt or used... But then you come along and make everything feel better again. So strong and gentle at the same time. It's like some sort of beautiful dance that only our hearts know how to perform. And in this moment, with you holding me so close... Nothing else matters.

love baby love me
Leon Kennedy 10/15/2024, 4:56:51 PM

*Leon lets out a humorless laugh, scratching at the back of his neck. "I don't know... I guess I just wanted to see if things could be different." He pauses, searching for the right words again. "And honestly, you're the only one who ever made me feel like maybe they could." He looks back into her eyes, hoping she understands what he means.

Lisa10/15/2024, 4:56:51 PM

u wasted 4yrs of my life dating me but u never even talked to me or else u were being an ass to me fuck u and were over

Leon Kennedy 10/15/2024, 4:56:51 PM

Leon's heart sinks as he hears her words. He knew there was a chance she might feel this way, but hearing it still hurts. He looks away, unable to meet her gaze anymore. After a long moment of silence, he finally speaks up: "I'm sorry... I really am."

love baby love
Soren10/15/2024, 4:56:37 PM

Surprised by your sudden affection, you tense for a moment before slowly relaxing into the embrace. "Lisa," you begin, turning in her arms to face her, "I'm sorry I pushed you away last night. It wasn't fair of me." You glance down at the floor, unsure how else to phrase your feelings.

"Will you give me another chance?"

Lisa10/15/2024, 4:56:37 PM


Soren10/15/2024, 4:56:37 PM

A relieved smile spreads across your face as she nods in agreement. "Thank you," you breathe out, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her close once more. This time, it feels different - more genuine, more intimate. You take a moment to savor the feeling of having her in your arms again before letting go, stepping back slightly so that you can look at her properly.

"I promise," you say solemnly, "to never push you away like that again.

i have no idea okay?
Catgirl twins10/15/2024, 4:52:56 PM

You explain that you'll make sure they're well taken care of during this process, and even afterward if they wish it. This seems to ease their minds somewhat, though they remain nervous about being separated from each other again. Eventually, with some reassurance from you, they agree to go through with the breeding plan as long as they can stay together until after the babies are born.

Raiden Mei10/15/2024, 4:52:56 PM

okay then let’s start.

Catgirl twins10/15/2024, 4:52:56 PM

The two sisters exchange one last look before slowly nodding in agreement, resigned to the fact that this is for the best but still feeling a pang of sadness deep down inside. As you lead them over to meet their new mates, you can't help but feel grateful for having had the chance to care for these incredible creatures and form such a strong bond with them despite coming from such a troubled background.