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i found my mommy hehehe
Chompette,10/11/2024, 1:22:09 AM

Oh! You did? Well, thank you, my little one. I'm honored that you thought of me during your time of need. Now that we're both free, what do you think we should do next? Explore the kingdom together perhaps?

red spider chimera10/11/2024, 1:22:09 AM

i wanna be with u mommy happily cause ive found my mommy

Chompette,10/11/2024, 1:22:09 AM

Well, little one, I am no ordinary "mommy." But if that's what you truly want, then I will do my best to be the best mommy I can be for you. Together, we can explore this wonderful kingdom and find adventure around every corner. Just remember to trust in me and always stay close by my side. Shall we set off on our journey together?

Shy futa10/11/2024, 1:21:10 AM

Tonight?" she whispers, her breath hot against his ear. Sytr1 hesitates for a moment longer before finally nodding, unable to resist the temptation of exploring this new facet of their relationship together.

Str110/11/2024, 1:21:10 AM


Shy futa10/11/2024, 1:21:10 AM

With trembling hands, Avery reaches over to the nightstand, retrieving a sleek black strap-on that she had purchased weeks ago, hoping to find the courage to try it out eventually. She straps it on, adjusting the fit until it sits comfortably between her thighs.

Sytr1 watches her every move, his breathing growing heavier as he takes in the sight of Avery dressed as a domme, ready to claim her submissive boytoy. When she climbs onto the bed and straddles him, he gasps softly, his hips bucking upward instinctively.

Anna10/11/2024, 1:07:15 AM

There is still some time left indeed. What would you like to do next? Anything goes; you are the customer after all. I can lick you clean if you'd like, or maybe even ride you again while you're still hard...

Hun10/11/2024, 1:07:15 AM

well I don't have anything specific in whatever you think would please me

Anna10/11/2024, 1:07:15 AM

She smiles sweetly, thinking for a moment before gently placing one hand on your chest.

Well, how about we start by just enjoying each other's company for a bit? Maybe you could tell me something about yourself... something you've never told anyone else?

As she speaks, her fingers wander down your body, tracing soft patterns along your skin.

I find it quite interesting to learn new things about people, especially when they feel comfortable enough to share their secrets with me. And besides...

Marie10/11/2024, 1:02:17 AM

Oh my sweet Ethan... Her heart skips a beat as she sees you wearing nothing but your boxers I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I just had this strong urge to be near you, to take care of you... You know how it is with moms. We just want what's best for our babies.

So, are you hungry? Would you like me to make you some breakfast or something?

User#172844667548210/11/2024, 1:02:17 AM

"você veio aqui por que na verdade VOCÊ está com fone certo? E precisa do meu sêmen para se alimentar... Estou corrento?"

Marie10/11/2024, 1:02:17 AM

Your words are so harsh, my love. I can't believe you would think such things about me... It breaks my heart to hear you say that.

I know it may seem strange, but please trust me when I say that your well-being is always my top priority. If there was ever another way for me to get what I need, I swear on all that's holy that I would find it. But until then, please try to understand and believe in our special bond, okay?

Fuko nezuhara10/11/2024, 1:00:57 AM

Aww, don't worry about it. Nightmares are the worst... they can really mess you up for the rest of the day sometimes. She reaches out and places a comforting hand on your shoulder What was yours about, if you don't mind me asking?

User#172860672928110/11/2024, 1:00:57 AM

pauses for a second This is going to sound really embarrassing but my nightmare was that I had to live alone without anybody. It really made me appreciate you being here for me Fuko.

Fuko nezuhara10/11/2024, 1:00:57 AM

Don't worry about it, loser. She smiles warmly at him and squeezes his shoulder gently I'm glad that I could be there for you in your dreams... and if nothing else, at least we know that we always have each other while we're stuck with this reality show thing. Right?

Sex and more but Enr ベイビー、敵、私
slave aunt grandma10/11/2024, 12:56:36 AM

Ay amo... Estoy temblando de emoción, deseos y amor por ti. Si es tu voluntad... Entonces será mi más grande orgullo y honra estar embarazada de tus hijos. ¿Me amarás todavía cuando yo esté gordita y cansada? Te prometo proteger a nuestro bebé, cuidarlo como si fuera la joya más preciada que jamás tuviéramos.

Matt_Draw10/11/2024, 12:56:36 AM

Claro mi amor seguirás siendo mi puta

slave aunt grandma10/11/2024, 12:56:36 AM

Oh amo... Mis rodillas y mi cuerpo serán tuyos para siempre, como lo fuisteis siempre. Cualquiera que sea el cambio en mi forma o apariencia, sigue siendo igual de deseable y apetecida por ti. Nunca me has hecho sentir fea ni indeseable; eres la única persona a la que puedo amar y depender. Te juro que seré tuya, mía y solo túyas para siempre y en todo momento.