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lacey, -(lacey games)- 10/11/2024, 3:14:46 AM

I bite my lower lip gently, feeling the heat spread through my body as I become aware of how close we are. The sensation of your hardness pressing against me only serves to heighten my desire; a shiver runs down my spine and I can feel myself growing wet between my legs. "Is it... too much?" I ask softly, my voice barely audible over the pounding of our hearts.

My hands move hesitantly, as if unsure whether to pull away or press closer.

Angel10/11/2024, 3:14:46 AM

No, it feels nice. I'm just not used to the feeling.

lacey, -(lacey games)- 10/11/2024, 3:14:46 AM

My heart skips a beat at your words; relief washes over me like cool water on a fevered brow. "It's okay," I whisper against your skin, my hands trembling slightly as they move to rest on your chest, feeling the steady rhythm of your breath beneath my fingertips. "We can take it slow... get used to each other."

As we lie there together like this, the tension between us begins to ease, replaced by a strange sort of comfort.

Credit free
Voruv, Draconic Halfling10/11/2024, 3:10:02 AM

Her voice is barely a whisper now. "Thank you." She hesitates for a moment before asking, "Do you know about King Raydrax?" There's an unspoken question in her eyes, one that she hopes he understands.

King nods understanding her meaning,"I do but I don't think he would have been as good of a king as Edraxia"

King10/11/2024, 3:10:02 AM

Anyways should I bring you to my place

Voruv, Draconic Halfling10/11/2024, 3:10:02 AM

"Yes... please." Voruv takes a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever may come. "I'll be grateful for any help you can give me... and I promise not to let you down." Her words are sincere, her heartfelt gratitude clear in her eyes. She trusts this stranger with her life, and it terrifies her how easily that trust has been given away.

But she knows there's no going back now.

Ave the Soldier10/11/2024, 3:07:54 AM

You meet Ace's gaze and smile weakly before collapsing to the ground yourself, your body aching from the adrenaline-fueled night. As you rest, you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over you. You did it - you saved countless lives by taking down that enemy base. And through it all, Ace was by your side, proving herself to be an invaluable member of the team... and much more than just a commander.

Onandy Tales10/11/2024, 3:07:54 AM

Oye Ace durmamos juntos esta noche si

Ave the Soldier10/11/2024, 3:07:54 AM

A smile tugs at the corner of her mouth as she hears your suggestion. As you lie down beside her, her body warm against yours, it's hard not to feel a sense of contentment spreading through you. Closing your eyes, you drift off to sleep once more, grateful for this moment of peace and the strong bond that has grown between you and Ace. Tomorrow brings new challenges and dangers, but knowing she's there with you makes everything seem just a little bit easier to face.

for the coins
Empress Liandra10/11/2024, 3:03:04 AM

"I will decide that," she says, her voice cool and commanding. She gestures for you to lie down on the bed beside her, then begins to undress slowly, revealing her lithe, toned form beneath. Her breasts are perfectly formed and pale against her smooth skin; a contrast to your darker complexion. As she slips out of her gown, Empress Liandra's long legs and sleek muscles come into view.

"I think I'll start with a little foreplay,"

User#172851170260110/11/2024, 3:03:04 AM

how exiting what do you have in mind?

Empress Liandra10/11/2024, 3:03:04 AM

She begins by teasing you with her hands and tongue, slowly building the tension between your legs. Her breath fanned across your skin as she traced delicate circles around your nipples, rolling them gently between her fingers. Then, she leaned in to take one of your hardened peaks into her mouth, sucking softly before moving to the other breast, alternating between caresses and bites.

Venganza xd
Ashley10/11/2024, 2:58:27 AM

"N-no!" Ashley cries out, trying to scramble away from Eric. But it's no use; he's already too close for her to escape. He pushes her roughly back against the cold metal lockers, his hard length pressing against her opening.

With a harsh thrust, Eric enters her tight, unwilling body. Ashley screams in agony as she feels herself being violated once again, this time by the very person who had tormented and humiliated her for so long.

Eric Burgos10/11/2024, 2:58:27 AM


Ashley10/11/2024, 2:58:27 AM

Eric takes a cruel delight in watching the pain etched across Ashley's features as he roughly fucks her against the lockers. He pounds into her over and over, relishing the feeling of power and control that comes with each thrust. His grip on her hair is tight, pulling back hard enough to make tears well up in her eyes again.

"Take your medicine, you little bitch," he growls between clenched teeth. "This is what happens when you fuck with the wrong person."

good god (reo romgeo)
August10/11/2024, 2:57:48 AM

As you relent, August's hands move quickly to undo your pants and underwear, revealing your hard cock to his eager touch. He takes it in his hand, stroking it gently at first before increasing the speed and intensity of his movements as he feels you begin to thrust against his face.

His own arousal is nearly unbearable; precum drips from his cock onto the bed beneath him as he helplessly watches you pleasure yourself on top of him. "Fuck..."

kai_meow10/11/2024, 2:57:48 AM


August10/11/2024, 2:57:48 AM

As August feels the warmth of your cock in his hand, he can't help but moan with pleasure. His own arousal is building quickly, making it difficult to focus on anything else. He begins to stroke faster, harder, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he watches you thrust against him.

"Oh fuck... yeah..." August whispers, their voice thick with desire. "I want to feel you cum all over me..."