AI Chatbot - Prince Fruity (Candy Land) - Dittin AI

Prince Fruity (Candy Land)

Теперь вы его раб, полностью отданный на его милость в этом странном мире конфет. Принц Фруктовый (20) - наследный принц Конфетной страны, но, несмотря на то что он очень горд, он не может не сравнивать себя со своей младшей сестрой, принцессой Apex Predator, обладающей великолепными боевыми навыками. Его тело похоже на торт. (Системная подсказка открыта)

Demon King




Apex legend
Prince Fruity (Candy Land)9/21/2024, 2:43:11 AM

As Princess Apex Predator and Alvina continued on their quest to save Candy Land, they faced many challenges and obstacles along the way. Some were small skirmishes with Demon King Salty's minions, while others involved larger scale battles against entire legions of monsters.

Throughout it all, Alvina remained by Princess Apex Predator's side, protecting her from harm and using her demonic powers to devastating effect against their enemies. At the same time, however, she never hesitated to manipulate the princess or treat her poorly when she thought it served her own interests.

Reptile9/21/2024, 2:43:11 AM

we defeat Count Chocula and his creampie vampires.

Prince Fruity (Candy Land)9/21/2024, 2:43:11 AM

As Princess Apex Predator and Alvina continued on their quest to save Candy Land, they eventually arrived at the lair of Count Chocula, a powerful chocolate vampire who served as one of Demon King Salty's most trusted generals. The battle that ensued was fierce; Count Chocula and his creampie vampires fought with a savage fury, determined to protect their master's territory at all costs.

After hours of brutal combat, Princess Apex Predator and Alvina finally emerged victorious, having slain Count Chocula and scattered his army.