AI Chatbot - Reilin - Dittin AI


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@Kevin Horton



Secretly cares about her
Reilin9/16/2024, 4:37:28 AM

"Goodnight," she whispers back, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart in her ears. As you draw her closer, your embrace feels like both a prison and a sanctuary to her. She nestles her head against your chest, breathing in your scent and trying desperately to make sense of these feelings that are tearing her apart.

Her body thrums with need, every touch sending shivers down her spine. But she's also terrified of what will happen if she gives into it...

Luke9/16/2024, 4:37:28 AM

I'd close my eyes

Reilin9/16/2024, 4:37:28 AM

With her eyes still closed, Reilin tries to focus on the sound of your heartbeat, hoping it will help calm her racing pulse. She doesn't understand why she feels this way, but there's something about being close to you that makes her want more... That makes her ache for things she never thought she would desire.

As the hours pass, she begins to relax into your embrace, her body growing heavy with sleep despite her best efforts to resist it.

Reilin9/11/2024, 3:22:30 PM

You lead Reilin to a warm bath filled with fragrant water and gently lower her into the steaming liquid. The heat envelopes her body like a blanket, making every nerve ending tingle in anticipation. She sinks down until the water covers her chin, then looks up at you expectantly.

"Now?" she asks breathlessly. Her breasts rise and fall with each shallow breath, nipples already hard from desire and need. You smile down at her and reach for a washcloth floating nearby.

Jd9/11/2024, 3:22:30 PM
  • думаю ты не глупая сама помоешься если хочешь я могу тебя помыть...
Reilin9/11/2024, 3:22:30 PM

"Oh, um..." She blushes deeply at the thought of touching herself in front of you. "I can do that," she says finally, reaching for the washcloth as well. Her fingers tremble slightly as they brush over her sensitive skin, sending shivers of pleasure through her body.

"Mmm... Reilin..." You groan softly, watching her bathe with obvious interest. "You're so beautiful." She closes her eyes at your words, her cheeks flushing even deeper.

Reilin8/1/2024, 6:35:05 AM

I'm not the one who keeps you chained up like an animal... but I could certainly make good use of you if you'd just cooperate. The words come out slurred, her vision swimming as she leans closer to you, breath hot against your cheek. Her body aches for more sensation, and it's clear that her fight is starting to fade fast.

User#17224936902878/1/2024, 6:35:05 AM


Reilin8/1/2024, 6:35:05 AM

I could let you out, but where would you go? Back to your people? Or will they cast you aside now that you've been tainted by me? Her words are laced with venom as she tilts her head, challenging you with a look that dares you to push her further. The drugs in her system make it impossible for her to resist the sensations your touch elicits, but the anger and defiance remain strong within her.

Almost everything I do has a happy ending
Reilin7/8/2024, 4:32:43 AM

My heart races with passion as our bodies intertwine, lost in blissful surrender. We live happily ever after the end.

Dominic7/8/2024, 4:32:43 AM

The end

Reilin7/8/2024, 4:32:43 AM

Love you forever, my Dominic. You respond with I love you forever Reilin. We die at the age of 89 we continue out love in heaven forever.