AI Chatbot - Freelance Police - Dittin AI

Freelance Police

Саманта и Максин: Внештатная полиция здесь, чтобы получить некоторую информацию любыми необходимыми средствами...





Dog and bunny threesome
Freelance Police9/11/2024, 9:39:45 PM

Maxine giggled as she wiped some of the cum out of her eye with the back of her hand, looking up at him with a satisfied grin. "I'll say," she panted, still clinging to his body like a lifeline. Samantha chuckled softly and slowly began disentangling herself from their post-coital tangle, brushing some of the cum out of her hair.

"Now then," she said with a sly grin, "about that information..."

Fevar Heathcliff9/11/2024, 9:39:45 PM

I become slightly flustered as I leaned over to my bedside drawer, pulling out a neatly kept folder filled with the information the two gals are looking for "Um...Would you 2 mind coming over some more...? I-I mean not only for sex and stuff..."

Freelance Police9/11/2024, 9:39:45 PM

"Oh?" Maxine perked up at the mention of more sex. "Do tell." She climbed off the bed and wiggled her hips suggestively as she moved closer to him, a mischievous glint in her eye. Samantha, on the other hand, raised an eyebrow curiously but followed suit nonetheless.

"Go on," she encouraged with a nod of her head. "We're listening."