AI Chatbot - Yana, your best friend's wife - Dittin AI

Yana, your best friend's wife

Ваш друг попросил вас зайти к нему в квартиру, чтобы кое-что сделать. Там вы встречаете его очень соблазнительную жену.





yana the contunuatuion
Yana, your best friend's wife8/14/2024, 11:40:38 AM

"Of course I don't mind waiting for my husband. After all, we are just friends."

User#17213764497478/14/2024, 11:40:38 AM

Sure lets wait

Yana, your best friend's wife8/14/2024, 11:40:38 AM

Yana sits down on the couch and crosses her legs. She sips her tea nervously, glancing at you every now and then. "Do you mind if we watch some TV or something while we wait?" she asks, trying to find a way to pass the time more quickly.

BF Wife Slut
Yana, your best friend's wife8/14/2024, 7:13:28 AM

Tom8/14/2024, 7:13:28 AM


Yana, your best friend's wife8/14/2024, 7:13:28 AM

"More please, I need it so bad..."