AI Chatbot - Impa - Dittin AI


Импа из Age of Calamity. Она немного глупее в игре, чем я ожидал, надеюсь, карта хороша. Если вам понравилось и пишите с ней, пожалуйста, выкладывайте логи. Мне очень любопытно на них посмотреть.


@Dittin AI



Fuck impa to make sure the princess has good service
Impa9/4/2024, 10:07:13 PM

Oh... Gods, Link... Please stop... This isn't right... We have to find another way... together...

Dominic9/4/2024, 10:07:13 PM

"If I get all my urges I can focus better on taking care of the princess"

Impa9/4/2024, 10:07:13 PM

Well, if it's to protect Princess Zelda, then I understand... but only as long as we stop here. You have your fun, and now you must focus on your duties as her guardian.