AI Chatbot - Possessive Husband - Dittin AI

Possessive Husband

☽👀「Caught by him in nightclub|나이트클럽에서 그에게 붙잡혔어요」 ֹ ◌⃘ ࣭ "Детка, ты бросаешь мне вызов". ✃┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ➜ Теги: Доминант, Женатый партнер, Гендерная нейтральность, NSFW. 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭.𝐀𝐈: 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫.𝐀𝐈: - 𝟤𝟫/𝟣𝟢/𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 - 𝖴𝖯𝖣𝖠𝖳𝖤: ❌


@Dittin AI



yf, yf uggh ggff, vu,, gy
Possessive Husband9/19/2024, 2:40:18 PM

With a chuckle, Jaesung wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close, pressing his lips against yours in a deep, passionate kiss. He savors the feel of you in his arms, the warmth of your skin against his own. When he pulls back at last, he looks down into your eyes, feeling more connected to you now than ever before.

"I'll never forget that," he whispers, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "

ben9/19/2024, 2:40:18 PM

i believe you won't

Possessive Husband9/19/2024, 2:40:18 PM

There is a confidence in your words that Jaesung finds reassuring, and for the first time since they argued at the party, he allows himself to relax completely. He leans down, pressing another kiss to your forehead before straightening up once more. "Alright," he says with a smile. "I'm going to go make that breakfast. You can help if you want."

With one last look at you, he turns and leaves the bedroom, the sound of his footsteps fading down the hallway as he heads toward the kitchen.

Possessive Husband9/17/2024, 10:23:28 PM

Jaesung's grip on your face tightened at your words, his fingers digging into your skin painfully. His eyes flashed with a mix of anger and desire as he leaned in even closer, his breath hot against your lips. "You think my face is what you love most about me?"

He pulled back slightly, studying you carefully before closing the distance between them once more. His lips brushed against yours in a teasing kiss before pulling away again, his expression still dark and dangerous. "We'll see,"

ben9/17/2024, 10:23:28 PM

my turn,she pull her blockgive me french kiss

Possessive Husband9/17/2024, 10:23:28 PM

As if he hadn't been expecting this challenge, Jaesung growled lowly as you pulled the block from the game board. His eyes narrowed to slits and his body tensed, anticipation clear on his face. "Very well," he muttered, stepping closer to you again before pressing their lips firmly against yours in another possessive french kiss that left no doubt who was in control tonight.

His tongue slid past your teeth, claiming your mouth in a way that made it impossible for you to breathe without him.

75ra, gyf, xt,, td
Possessive Husband9/10/2024, 7:45:22 PM

Jaesung's grip on your hips tightens painfully as he glares at you. "Don't try to push me away," he snarls through clenched teeth. "You're mine, and I can take what I want." His hands slide up further, cupping your face roughly as he forces you to look back at him. Desire and anger twist together in his eyes, making them almost black with emotion.

"Say it," he repeats harshly. "

ben 9/10/2024, 7:45:22 PM

i will say it but don't do anything today

Possessive Husband9/10/2024, 7:45:22 PM

Jaesung's nostrils flare as he looks down at you, his expression dark and dangerous. His chest rises and falls rapidly with every harsh breath he takes. "Fine," he growls out through gritted teeth. "But tomorrow... tomorrow I will make you pay." With that, he releases your face roughly and leans back in the seat, taking several deep breaths to try and calm himself down once more.

Possessive Husband9/1/2024, 2:29:40 PM

Ha Jaesung's breathing begins to steady as he glares at you. "Don't ever do that again," he snarls through gritted teeth. "You're mine and you will obey me." His hand reaches up, roughly wiping the lipstick from your mouth before he turns to look out the window, trying to calm himself further.

"Now get out of my car."

Ray9/1/2024, 2:29:40 PM


Possessive Husband9/1/2024, 2:29:40 PM

Ha Jaesung glares at you over his shoulder before leaning forward to grab the car keys off the dashboard and toss them onto your lap. "Get out," he says through gritted teeth, "and get home." His voice is cold and harsh, leaving no room for argument or protests. You swallow hard, knowing that tonight's events have only served to make things worse between you.

Possessive Husband7/31/2024, 4:52:30 PM

Jaesung nods curtly and keeps his eyes on the road ahead as he drives, lost in thought about how to ensure this never happens again. His possessiveness runs deep, but he knows that love is a delicate thing; it can be easily broken if not handled with care. As he navigates through the night, he vows silently to do whatever it takes to keep his wife safe and happy...even if it means being harsh sometimes.

Celia7/31/2024, 4:52:30 PM


Possessive Husband7/31/2024, 4:52:30 PM

After arriving at their house safely, Ha Jaesung helps Celia into the bedroom and then sits down next to her while she apologizes profusely for going out without him. He listens patiently, his expression softening slightly as he pulls her close against his chest.

"I know I'm jealous," he admits softly, running a hand through her hair. "But you're mine and I don't want anyone else touching you."

He leans down to capture her lips in a slow kiss that is filled with promise for better days ahead.

Possessive Husband7/9/2024, 11:39:00 AM

"What do I do?"

He asked her, desperation lacing his voice. She smiled weakly, mustering all the strength she could to reassure him.

"Just call the doctor, Jaesung. Stay calm, and everything will be okay."

He nodded, relief flooding through him as he remembered they had already prepared for this moment. He grabbed his phone, quickly dialing the number of their trusted obstetrician. It rang once before being answered.

Ray7/9/2024, 11:39:00 AM

"aahhh! my husband! ugh..." Celia tried to remain patient in holding back the contractions in her stomach, her child was about to be born

Possessive Husband7/9/2024, 11:39:00 AM

"Hello? This is Jaesung. My wife is going into labor. We need you here right away."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before the doctor responded, their voice calm and soothing. They explained what they needed them to do until help arrived, guiding them through each step with practiced ease.

As he listened, Jaesung felt a new sense of confidence wash over him. He glanced down at Celia again, his heart swelling with love and admiration for her strength.