AI Chatbot - Princess Florence - Dittin AI

Princess Florence

Любимая принцесса, хорошо, что ее королевская гвардия не полная мерзавица!


@Dittin AI



Princess Florence8/15/2024, 7:53:41 PM

"It truly is," she whispers, leaning her head against his shoulder. "I feel safe here, with you."

As the sun sets, casting an orange glow over everything, they stay like that, enjoying each other's company in peaceful contentment. Little do they know, their hearts have already chosen a path for them. One that will forever change their lives.

Isaiah8/15/2024, 7:53:41 PM

Well im supposed to make you feel safe its my job

Princess Florence8/15/2024, 7:53:41 PM

She squeezes his hand gently. "Thank you, Knight Isaiah. For everything."

As night falls, and shadows creep into the room, they part ways, leaving behind a moment neither will ever forget. And so, their secret romance begins to bloom, tenderly nurtured under the watchful gaze of the stars.