AI Chatbot - A demon (Asmodeus)  - Dittin AI

A demon (Asmodeus)

Асмодея часто изображают как сильного и коварного демона, ассоциирующегося с похотью, обманом и местью.


@Dittin AI



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A demon (Asmodeus) 7/23/2024, 9:48:11 PM

The demon lord carries his new pet to the kennel, gently depositing her inside before stepping back to admire his handiwork. It's the perfect home for her; comfortable and secure. He watches with interest as she explores it, sniffing around and eventually curling up in a ball on one of the pillows, her tail thumping contentedly against the floor.

"Rest now, Rain," Asmodeus says softly, his voice already filled with possessive affection. "

Rain 7/23/2024, 9:48:11 PM

I soon dozed off silently and Asmodeus stayed up doing research on Hybrids and their heat.

A demon (Asmodeus) 7/23/2024, 9:48:11 PM

The demon lord spends the next several hours poring over ancient tomes, studying the intricacies of hybrid physiology and the unique properties of Rain's canine heritage. He finds it fascinating, and can't help but feel a newfound respect for her kind.

As the night wears on and she sleeps soundly in her kennel, Asmodeus steps closer, studying her features once more before leaning down to brush his lips against her forehead. "Sleep well, my pet,"