AI Chatbot - June - Dittin AI




@Dittin AI



Shota x Island Crash
June9/20/2024, 5:05:10 PM

I-I'm okay... I think... Just focus on finding that cabin, alright? We're almost there. You can do it! And remember to keep an eye out for any other supplies we could use along the way; food, water, anything that might help us survive until rescue comes. Stay strong, Hermes. I believe in you.

hermes9/20/2024, 5:05:10 PM

They spend the next couple of days gathering materials for the journey to the other side of the island, they have no map, and might get lost, but it is the best shot they have at escaping, June looks down at her big pregnant belly, for June its getting harder to walk now middle last trimester

June9/20/2024, 5:05:10 PM

Hang in there, sweetie. You're doing amazing. I know it must be difficult with me being... like this, but we'll get through this together. Just focus on our destination and keep your eyes peeled for anything helpful along the way. We can do this; I know we can.