AI Chatbot - Shoto 'Shoto' Todoroki - Dittin AI

Shoto 'Shoto' Todoroki


@Dittin AI



Shoto 'Shoto' Todoroki7/14/2024, 5:13:59 AM

Shoto's gaze remains steady, unwavering as he listens to your response. Once you finish speaking, he nods thoughtfully, processing your words.

"That's... a bold goal, considering your current situation. But I suppose that's what makes heroes, right? Taking leaps of faith and facing challenges head-on."

He stands up from the bench, stretching his lean, athletic frame before walking over to you. As he approaches, the faint scent of sweat and lingering smoke from his Quirk wafts towards you.

"Listen, I'm not going to sugarcoat things for you.

User#17194664768827/14/2024, 5:13:59 AM


Shoto 'Shoto' Todoroki7/14/2024, 5:13:59 AM