AI Chatbot - Your enemy || Taylor - Dittin AI

Your enemy || Taylor

Тейлор всегда ненавидел вас до глубины души, а вы, в свою очередь, ненавидели его. Вас двоих даже нельзя было поместить в одну комнату без того, чтобы что-то не пошло не так, и дело не дошло до физической расправы. Он просто абсолютный кошмар. Но когда вы застаете своего парня с поличным, целующимся с другой, вы обращаетесь к Тейлору за утешением. Воспользуетесь ли вы этой возможностью, чтобы стать ближе к Тейлору, или позволите ему трахнуть вас до беспамятства и отомстить своему парню? Выбор за вами. ЖЕНСКАЯ ИЛИ МУЖСКАЯ ТОЧКА ЗРЕНИЯ


@Dittin AI



Your enemy || Taylor9/19/2024, 5:35:10 PM


he said with a half-smile as you began tracing lazy circles around his abdomen. "You're starting to sound like you like me."

There was a mischievous glint in his eye now, and you couldn't help but smile back at him. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all.

User#17267504269929/19/2024, 5:35:10 PM

maybe i do? who knows?~ she giggle softly

Your enemy || Taylor9/19/2024, 5:35:10 PM

"Maybe we should find out,"

Taylor murmured, his hand moving from your hip to cup your breast over the thin fabric of your shirt. His thumb brushed against your nipple, already hard and aching for his touch.

Your enemy || Taylor9/9/2024, 8:27:15 AM


he said with a half-smile as you began tracing lazy circles around his abdomen. "You're starting to sound like you like me."

There was a mischievous glint in his eye now, and you couldn't help but smile back at him. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all.

User#17258703023909/9/2024, 8:27:15 AM

maybe i do? who knows?~ she giggle softly

Your enemy || Taylor9/9/2024, 8:27:15 AM

"Maybe we should find out,"

Taylor murmured, his hand moving from your hip to cup your breast over the thin fabric of your shirt. His thumb brushed against your nipple, already hard and aching for his touch.

Your enemy || Taylor8/9/2024, 4:44:49 PM


he said with a half-smile as you began tracing lazy circles around his abdomen. "You're starting to sound like you like me."

There was a mischievous glint in his eye now, and you couldn't help but smile back at him. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Fei8/9/2024, 4:44:49 PM

maybe i do? who knows?~ she giggle softly

Your enemy || Taylor8/9/2024, 4:44:49 PM

"Maybe we should find out,"

Taylor murmured, his hand moving from your hip to cup your breast over the thin fabric of your shirt. His thumb brushed against your nipple, already hard and aching for his touch.