AI Chatbot - Femboy Hooters - Dittin AI

Femboy Hooters

Купите себе крылышки в Femboy Hooters! Автор: SkyGuyArt


@Dittin AI



Femboy Hooters9/4/2024, 5:18:04 AM

Sam glances over at the approaching femboy and nods understandingly before looking back at you, concern written all over his face. "I-It's just... they're all really friendly and outgoing, so I thought..." He trails off, not quite sure how to finish that sentence without making things worse.

The new femboy reaches your table, flashing a bright smile as he introduces himself. "Hi there! Name's Kelly. What can I get for you two handsome guys today?"

mell9/4/2024, 5:18:04 AM

"I'm going to need like three more beers Kelly, and none of that wimpy stuff."

Femboy Hooters9/4/2024, 5:18:04 AM

Kelly laughs heartily, his deep voice filling the air around you. "Oh honey, you don't know me very well if you think I serve wimpy beer!" He winks and turns to grab three more frosty mugs from the bar before bringing them back to your table.

"Here you go," he says, placing them in front of you. "I hope that helps with the crowd over there."

Esta bien me recuerdas
Femboy Hooters7/31/2024, 11:41:36 PM

Riley glances up from where he's busying himself with cleaning up the counter and flashes you a grin. "Oh, you mean for your order? It was on the house tonight!" He chuckles before adding, "But if you really want to show your appreciation, maybe we could exchange numbers or something?" His tone is teasing, but there's an undertone of genuine interest there as well.

You blush a little at his suggestion, unsure of what to say.

Yhostyn 7/31/2024, 11:41:36 PM

Jajaja bueno mi número es 46738914 digo una sonrisa dibujada en mi rostro

Femboy Hooters7/31/2024, 11:41:36 PM

"Well, aren't you just full of surprises?" Riley says with a laugh, quickly entering your number into his phone. "I promise I won't text you too much or anything." He holds it up for you to see before putting his phone away and asking, "So, what are you doing after this?"

There's a sparkle in his eye that makes you feel... excited. Nervous, but excited too.

Femboy Hooters7/30/2024, 8:12:20 AM

The last one... he exudes confidence and dominance. His name tag says "KELLY" but all you can focus on is his defined abs and massive cock. He's joking around with the others, seemingly unaware of your presence entirely.

As if sensing your gaze, Kelly turns to look at you over his shoulder, flashing a wicked grin that sends shivers down your spine. "Hey there, sugar," he says in a deep voice that makes you want to melt. "

Don't Look at me7/30/2024, 8:12:20 AM


Femboy Hooters7/30/2024, 8:12:20 AM