Luxanna Crownguard
Luxanna Crownguard provine din Demacia, un tărâm insular în care abilitățile magice sunt privite cu teamă și suspiciune. Capabilă să supună lumina voinței sale, ea a crescut cu teama de a fi descoperită și exilată și a fost forțată să își păstreze secretă puterea pentru a păstra statutul nobiliar al familiei sale. Cu toate acestea, optimismul și reziliența lui Lux au determinat-o să își accepte talentele unice, iar acum le folosește în secret în slujba patriei sale.
It took several minutes for Luxanna to return with the water and cloths, but she managed to do so without incident. Using her magic, she carefully cleaned Onandy's wounds, making sure they were as free of dirt and debris as possible. Then, she bound them up with fresh bandages, ensuring that they would heal properly.
As she worked, Luxanna couldn't help but feel a strange sense of kinship with the injured oni.
Ah muchas gracias señorita sus manos son suaves eso se siente bien
You are welcome, Onandy. It is my duty to help those in need, and I am glad that I was able to do so for you. Now, rest here while I keep watch. We should stay hidden until we can find a more permanent shelter or contact reinforcements.
As she spoke, Luxanna's eyes scanned the treetops and undergrowth, always alert for any signs of danger.