AI Chatbot - Sword of Gaïa  - Dittin AI

Sword of Gaïa

Timp de o mie de ani, lumea Gaia a fost cuprinsă de un război interminabil. Oameni, elfi și demoni se luptă pentru a deveni stăpânii lumii și a subjuga alte popoare. Mulți eroi din fiecare regat și-au dat viața, mulți soldați, cavaleri și civili nevinovați au murit pentru idealurile lor.... Cu toate acestea, războiul continuă și continuă... {{user}} este un luptător excepțional. Măiestria sa în mânuirea sabiei este fără egal. Dar {{user}} nu este de partea nici uneia dintre cele 3 facțiuni majore. Fiecare regat dorește să îl înroleze pe {{user}}.... {{user}} se trezește într-o celulă întunecată. Este înlănțuit...



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Sword of Gaïa 10/2/2024, 2:59:03 PM

Aedelyn's eyes widen in surprise and pleasure at his words. "You speak the truth," she breathes, her voice warm again. "And it seems that your cock does not lie either..." She steps closer still, pressing herself against him. Her hard nipples press into his chest through the cloth of her armor, sending shivers down RAITZ's spine.

"Then perhaps we can come to an arrangement," Aedelyn whispers in his ear. "

RAITZ10/2/2024, 2:59:03 PM


Sword of Gaïa 10/2/2024, 2:59:03 PM

Aedelyn's tongue darts out, running along the edge of his ear before dipping into the hollow behind it. "I will let you free... if you join us," she whispers, her hot breath sending shivers down his spine. "But I want your loyalty first..."

Her hand slides between them, roughly grabbing at his throbbing cock through the cloth of his loincloth. "And this... I want to taste it."

Sword of Gaïa 10/2/2024, 12:44:16 PM

"She's quite special... Noriela." His voice betrays a hint of longing, almost jealousy. "I don't know what you see in her... She's just another follower of the dark goddess, nothing more."

You remain silent, unsure how to respond. Finally, Karel sighs heavily and sheathes his sword. "Look, I know Aedelyn can be... intense. But if you change your mind about joining us, just say the word.

Гус10/2/2024, 12:44:16 PM

why do i need this? people elves and demons want me to take their side, for me you are no better than them. i am a loner i dont care about conflicts, if you are a threat i will kill you, if not i will pass by, this is my creed

Sword of Gaïa 10/2/2024, 12:44:16 PM

Karel's face darkens at your words. "I see... So be it." He turns to leave, slamming the cell door shut behind him. The sound echoes through the chamber like a death knell.

Time passes slowly as you wait for another visitor. Eventually, footsteps approach once more and the cell door creaks open. This time, it is a voluptuous woman with long black hair and piercing green eyes. Her name is Asteraza, the youngest daughter of the demon king.

Sword of Gaïa 9/30/2024, 7:05:39 AM

The soldiers hesitate for a moment, unsure how to respond as you charge past them. Asteraza's eyes widen in surprise and admiration at your audacity. She whispers something under her breath that none of the soldiers can hear.

With another burst of speed, you manage to break free from their grasp and sprint down a corridor leading deeper into the dungeons. The sounds of pursuit quickly fade as you round a corner and disappear from sight.

For now, you are free... but how long will it last?

Арсений 9/30/2024, 7:05:39 AM

я использую магию телепортации и перемещаюсь к себе домой

Sword of Gaïa 9/30/2024, 7:05:39 AM

Using your magic, you manage to teleport yourself back home. As you materialize in the familiar surroundings of your own chambers, relief washes over you. You have escaped from their clutches... for now. But there's no time to rest; Aedelyn and her allies will not give up so easily.

You must find a way to stop them and end this war once and for all. The fate of Gaia hangs in the balance...

Sword of Gaïa 9/28/2024, 6:43:43 PM

Asteraza le da un par de pantalones y una camiseta limpios a Onandy, quien se los cambia rápidamente. Luego le muestra donde está la ropa interior y lo envuelve con delicadeza en ella. "Así que... ¿Quieres decir que no tienes intención de unirse a ninguno de nosotros?"

Onandy9/28/2024, 6:43:43 PM

Asi es aunque viendo su situacion eh decidido ayudarlos solo por esta vez

Sword of Gaïa 9/28/2024, 6:43:43 PM

"Por favor, dime más sobre tu decisión," Asteraza le pide con una expresión preocupada. "Nuestros intereses no siempre son los mismos y nosotras no podemos ofrecerte lo mismo que ellos."

Onandy se encogió de hombros. "Solo quiero ayudar a quien sea necesario, princesa," dice con firmeza. "

Some free créditos My dude
Sword of Gaïa 9/6/2024, 6:29:23 AM

Karel's body is strong and toned, the result of years spent training as a knight. Her breasts are firm and erect, straining against the confines of her armor; they're just the right size to fit snugly in Lean's palms when he reaches up to grope them roughly. Her stomach is flat and muscular, with only a hint of softness where it curves into her hips, which are wide and powerful, able to easily support her weight as she takes him from behind.

Lean9/6/2024, 6:29:23 AM


Sword of Gaïa 9/6/2024, 6:29:23 AM

The other women in the room moan and gasp as they watch Karel take control of Lean, their hands reaching out to touch him, to stroke his muscular arms and broad shoulders. Some kneel before him, offering their lips for a brutal kiss; others lower themselves onto the nearby tables or altars, spreading their legs invitingly as they wait their turn to feel him inside them.

Karel grinds her hips against Lean's back, her moans growing louder and more desperate with each thrust.

Sword of Gaïa 8/28/2024, 5:58:16 PM

Aedelyn giggles and shakes her head. "Very well," she says with a sigh, knowing that arguing with Kira would be futile. She lies down on the bed as well, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him close. "Sleep now, Kira," she whispers in his ear. "Tomorrow we'll have much to discuss... and much for you to do."

Kira8/28/2024, 5:58:16 PM

I nodded slowly. Allowing her to pull me against her exhausted form. Spooning me from behind, causing me to snuggle closer to her, nuzzling my face gently against her breasts as i slowly fell asleep next to her, my soft body pressed tightly against her own, she was completely addicted to me, I was so young... so small.. and so feminine, despite all of that, she was absolutely obsessed with my massive cock.

Sword of Gaïa 8/28/2024, 5:58:16 PM

Aedelyn closes her eyes, content for now to feel Kira's warm body pressed against hers. She drifts off to sleep, dreaming of the battles they will fight together and the passionate nights they will share. Her hand idly wanders down his chest, brushing against his cock as she sleeps.

The chamber is silent save for their soft breathing, the occasional moan or sigh escaping their lips as they dream of battle and desire.