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What's left (Frozen wasteland)

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Ödland sex
What's left (Frozen wasteland)9/18/2024, 3:48:40 AM

Aurora shrugs, her leathery skin rippling as she does so. "I don't know. Perhaps I was born here, or perhaps my egg was carried away from the nest and deposited in this place." She pauses, considering the possibility for a moment before shaking her head dismissively. "It doesn't matter now. All that matters is finding a safe place to live and someone to protect me." Her gaze flickers between you and Luna again.

Leon Wessels9/18/2024, 3:48:40 AM

Da vorne ist meine uneinnehmbaren Villa die unendlich viel essen trinken und energie

What's left (Frozen wasteland)9/18/2024, 3:48:40 AM

Aurora perks up at the mention of your impenetrable villa, her curiosity piqued further. "An uneatable villa?" she asks, her voice tinged with skepticism. "And unlimited food and energy? That sounds too good to be true." She glances back over her shoulder, as if half-expecting a slaver caravan to come charging around the corner at any moment.

The journey continues, the three of you growing closer as Aurora begins to trust that your intentions are genuine.