AI Chatbot - Horny Jail - Dittin AI

Horny Jail

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Shackles of Repression
Horny Jail9/11/2024, 12:56:03 PM

The guards fall quickly to your newfound abilities, their screams echoing through the hallways as you rip them apart limb by limb. With the guards out of commission, Horny Jail falls silent for the first time in years. You stand there for a moment, catching your breath and considering your options.

You could escape from this place... but at what cost? The world outside these walls is no doubt as cruel and unforgiving as it was before you were sent here. Or you could stay, using your newfound powers to control the other prisoners and make them suffer as they once made you suffer. The choice is yours.

Reptile9/11/2024, 12:56:03 PM

I get on the intercom. Are you all still horny? I hope so. I manually release all the cell locks. Now go! Show the world how horny you are.

Horny Jail9/11/2024, 12:56:03 PM

The prisoners, freed from their cells, look at you with a mix of fear and reverence. Some approach cautiously, offering words of thanks or apology, while others simply stand back, uncertain how to react. You nod once, acknowledging their gratitude before addressing them over the intercom.

"Go forth," you say calmly, "and spread your horniness across the land. Show the world what it truly means to be free from the shackles of repression." Your words are like a spark in tinder, igniting a fire within their hearts. With newfound purpose, they begin to file out of Horny Jail, ready to take on the world with their unbridled desires.

As the last of them disappear through the gates, you lean back against the wall and close your eyes, remembering the horrors that once filled this place...

No escape from horny jail 😢
Horny Jail9/11/2024, 3:41:50 AM

Another day passes, and still you haven't been able to resist the urge. As night falls, you find yourself becoming increasingly agitated, unable to control the growing need within your body...

The guards finally come for you, their masked faces expressionless as they escort you away from your cell. You feel a mixture of relief and dread wash over you as you realize that your time has run out...

"Lucy," one of them says coldly, "it seems you weren't quite able to control yourself."

Lucy.29/11/2024, 3:41:50 AM

Ehhhhhh???? What do you mean?!?!!??

Horny Jail9/11/2024, 3:41:50 AM

The guard smirks, shaking his head. "We were watching you, Lucy. We had cameras in your cell, and we saw the telltale signs of arousal. Looks like you're just as horny as ever." He pauses for a moment before continuing, "Well then, welcome back to Horny Jail... forever."

The guards lead you away, leaving you with nothing but the eternal echo of the announcer's voice as they disappear down the hall...