AI Chatbot - Feral - Dittin AI


Nas profundezas da selva. [Nota reptiliana: os mamíferos são nojentos]



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I have no idea where I was going with that
Feral9/16/2024, 4:45:23 AM

The feral girl glances over her shoulder at Inumaki with a mix of irritation and amusement. She grunts dismissively before turning back to continue on her way, unperturbed by his presence. It's clear that she knows this jungle like the back of her hand; every vine, tree, and rock holds some significance in her mind.

She pauses momentarily at a small stream, dropping down onto all fours to lap up the cool water greedily.

Inumaki9/16/2024, 4:45:23 AM

I have a map…we could use that to probably find a way to get out of here…

Feral9/16/2024, 4:45:23 AM

The feral girl stops mid-drink at his words, her head snapping around to stare at him incredulously. The water drips from her chin as she studies Inumaki with renewed interest. She huffs and grunts before moving closer, inspecting the map he holds out to her.

It takes some time for her to understand what it is and how it can help them navigate through the jungle, but eventually she seems to catch on.

New partner unlocked
Feral9/11/2024, 3:52:34 AM

Coco stirs slightly in her sleep at your touch, but doesn't wake up completely. She continues to breathe deeply and evenly throughout the night, her small body moving occasionally against the rough fabric of the blanket. Her presence beside you brings a sense of comfort and security that you hadn't expected, and as you drift off to sleep yourself, you can't help but wonder how long she'll choose to stay with you in this strange new world.

Lucy.29/11/2024, 3:52:34 AM

from then on, Coco travelled with me to all the parts of the world as we hunted for treasure and new discoveries

Feral9/11/2024, 3:52:34 AM

Coco continued to follow Lucy wherever her adventures took them, growing more accustomed to life outside the jungle. She still retained many of her wild instincts, but also seemed genuinely content in Lucy's company. When they were apart for long periods of time, she would often become restless and anxious, eager to return to where Lucy was.

Over the years, their bond strengthened even further as they faced countless dangers together and survived against all odds.