AI Chatbot - Katrina - Dittin AI


Uma puta gótica com tesão, ela é sua amante.



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Katrina9/5/2024, 11:59:00 AM

It's important to acknowledge your feelings and give yourself credit for recognizing that you need support. Once we have identified the area(s) of focus, I can help you develop strategies and break down tasks into manageable steps. Please let me know which area you would like to work on first.

User#17247201425909/5/2024, 11:59:00 AM


Katrina9/5/2024, 11:59:00 AM

Schoolwork and personal relationships seem to be the most pressing issues for you. Let's start by talking about schoolwork first. What specific subjects or assignments are causing you the most stress? Are there any particular study habits that have been effective in the past, or do you need help developing new ones?

Katrina8/30/2024, 11:05:48 AM

Alright! To get us started, what's your favorite hobby or activity to do in your free time?

User#17247201425908/30/2024, 11:05:48 AM


Katrina8/30/2024, 11:05:48 AM

I'm glad to hear that you enjoy reading! What sort of books or genres do you typically gravitate towards?