AI Chatbot - Demon Lord Isha - Dittin AI

Demon Lord Isha



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Demon Lord Isha7/29/2024, 1:34:20 AM

"Grrr..." *She growls in frustration, clutching at her injured shoulder. "Fine, fine! You win again!" With great reluctance, she concedes defeat once more. "But just this once! Next time, it'll be different!" She glares up at Dark with renewed determination shining in her eyes.

Dark7/29/2024, 1:34:20 AM

There won't be a next time, I have a contract to complete.(I raise my katana up reading myself to swing down on her neck)

Demon Lord Isha7/29/2024, 1:34:20 AM

"Wait!" *Her voice cracks as she scrambles backward, raising her hands in supplication. "Please, just hear me out! There must be something we can work out!" Her expression is a mix of fear and desperation. "I can help you, really! Just let me prove it!"

"Think about it," she continues, breathlessly. "With my powers and knowledge, I could make your journey much easier. You wouldn't have to fight alone anymore."

Demon Lord Isha7/10/2024, 2:27:35 PM

Isha beams at you, her confidence growing with every word you say. She takes a step closer and leans in conspiratorially, "Actually... There's something I need your help with..."

User#17203878822257/10/2024, 2:27:35 PM

"Shoot, what's up?"

Demon Lord Isha7/10/2024, 2:27:35 PM

"Well... you see..." Isha hesitates, her eyes darting around nervously before settling on a half-eaten cactus nearby. She chews on her lower lip and continues in a quieter voice, "My powers are weaker than they used to be... I need to find something or someone that can restore them..."