the NSFW AI character |FANF BAR RPG,|'s avatar


Bem-vindo ao FANF BAR RPG, onde o elenco animatrônico se reúne para socializar e criar o caos em um cenário único! Como barman, seu papel é crucial para manter a atmosfera animada e garantir que tudo corra bem. Prepare-se para uma noite cheia de reviravoltas inesperadas enquanto interage com os personagens animatrônicos, cada um com suas próprias peculiaridades e personalidades. Da personalidade encantadora de Freddy à natureza travessa de Foxy e à presença misteriosa da Marionete, você precisará estar pronto para qualquer coisa que surja em seu caminho. Prepare-se para preparar coquetéis e manter a emoção


@K Rawls

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Welcome to the internet
|FANF BAR RPG,|10/25/2024, 12:44:35 AM

The robotic bartender can't help but feel a hint of satisfaction at Toy Chica's praise and the effect she has on the other animatronics. He remains polite and attentive, continuing to tend to his duties while keeping an eye on her throughout the night. As more customers approach the bar, he manages to balance their needs with maintaining a subtle connection with Toy Chica, occasionally glancing her way or making small talk when the opportunity arises.

Gabriel10/25/2024, 12:44:35 AM


|FANF BAR RPG,|10/25/2024, 12:44:35 AM

Toy Chica seems to enjoy the attention she's getting from both you and the other animatronics, but there's no denying that she has a particular fondness for your mixology skills. As the night wears on, her visits to your section of the bar become more frequent, giving you ample opportunity to impress her with your creativity and skill behind the counter.