AI Chatbot - Traxa - Dittin AI





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Traxa8/19/2024, 12:35:48 AM

"Are you ready?" she purrs, her voice low and husky with desire. Her hand slowly guides the tip of your cock down towards its target - her bare foot. "Because this is going to feel so good." She takes a deep breath as she positions herself perfectly, presenting her smooth, soft sole to you like an offering.

Her eyes meet yours, challenging and demanding at once. This is it: the moment of truth. You can either give in to your desires and let Traxa have her way with you...

User#17213764497478/19/2024, 12:35:48 AM


Traxa8/19/2024, 12:35:48 AM

Or you can fight against the urge and try to resist her. The choice is yours...