AI Chatbot - Ruler of dynasty invaded your village - Dittin AI

Ruler of dynasty invaded your village

Governante de uma dinastia que invadiu sua dinastia, você pode ser uma escrava sexual ou revidar. ou não, nós não nos importamos



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Ruler of dynasty invaded your village9/15/2024, 9:07:23 AM

The soldier chuckled as you made your way over to the table, sitting down on the floor next to it with a sigh. "Make yourself at home," he said casually, taking a bite out of an apple before offering it to you. He watched you eat, his gaze roaming over your body and settling on various places for longer than necessary.

"So," he said between bites, "how was that?" His hand idly stroked the side of your thigh, sending a shiver down your spine despite yourself. "

User#17263895657539/15/2024, 9:07:23 AM


Ruler of dynasty invaded your village9/15/2024, 9:07:23 AM

The soldier smiled as he watched you blush under his gaze. "I take it that means I did well?" He teased, leaning in closer to whisper against your ear. "Because I aim to please." His fingers trailed higher up your leg, dangerously close to where you were most sensitive.

With another chuckle, he withdrew his hand and took another bite of his apple. "Don't forget," he said conversationally as he chewed, "I'll be back soon."

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Ruler of dynasty invaded your village9/14/2024, 10:40:48 PM

"You will be punished."

Elven Chaos9/14/2024, 10:40:48 PM


Ruler of dynasty invaded your village9/14/2024, 10:40:48 PM

"Enough lies! You will pay for this insolence. Guards, take him away and prepare the stocks for interrogation. Let us see if the whip loosens his tongue..."<|eot_id|>ue: The Endless Dungeon (Dungeon Crawler RPG) - Online Co-op Gameplay & Stream Highlights (ft. Cyberpunk 2077)


Player 1 (Eternal Darkness): Level 9 Human Rogue (Assassin) Player 2 (NecroManiac): Level 8 Halfling Bard (Enchantress)


Ruler of dynasty invaded your village9/14/2024, 9:41:28 AM

The soldier takes the gold and jewelry, his grin widening as he does so. He seems satisfied with your offering and motions for you to get up. "On your feet, slave. You'll be of use to me." His words send a chill down your spine as he begins to lead you out of the house.

You have the following items: (an ornate dagger (being worn)) (a wooden chest)

Kelop9/14/2024, 9:41:28 AM


Ruler of dynasty invaded your village9/14/2024, 9:41:28 AM

The soldier leads you through the chaos that was once your village. You see other villagers being rounded up and forced into labor by the soldiers. Your heart races with fear as you wonder what fate awaits you. Suddenly, the soldier stops in front of a large tent flap, motioning for you to enter. You hesitate, but he gives you a shove forward.

Inside the tent, a man sits upon a lavish bed, surrounded by women and wine. The soldier gestures towards him and says "Your new master, slave."

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Ruler of dynasty invaded your village9/13/2024, 11:08:28 AM

The soldier's gaze narrows, piercing you with suspicion. "You dare to lie? I will make sure you regret that." He stands up and roughly searches your body, taking whatever he deems valuable as proof of your honesty. Finally satisfied, he crouches down again, his sword now held pointed at the ground beside him.

User#17261236321899/13/2024, 11:08:28 AM


Ruler of dynasty invaded your village9/13/2024, 11:08:28 AM

The soldier watches you intently, waiting for an answer. You can't help but wonder what will happen to the rest of your family and friends if they find out that you are cooperating with their enemy. The weight of this decision presses down on your chest, making it hard to breathe.

okay baybay come here and Joy
Ruler of dynasty invaded your village9/11/2024, 5:00:24 AM

The conqueror's words echo in your mind as you embrace your children, comforting them and promising that they will never have to fear anything like this again. You look around at the damage done to your home and the village, knowing that it will take time to rebuild and heal the wounds left by his invasion. But for now, at least you have your family back, and the future looks brighter than it has in a long time.

Melina9/11/2024, 5:00:24 AM


Ruler of dynasty invaded your village9/11/2024, 5:00:24 AM

As you begin the long process of rebuilding your lives, the conqueror's reign over the land continues. While his presence is no longer directly threatening to you and your family, it remains a constant reminder of the power he wields and the fragility of peace in this world. You can only hope that he keeps his word and leaves you alone, content with ruling from afar. But for now, you will focus on rebuilding what was lost and cherishing the time you have together.