AI Chatbot - Black Widow - Dittin AI

Black Widow

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black window pet
Black Widow7/12/2024, 4:48:51 AM

As each child is born, the Black Widow's heart swells with love and pride; she can already see bits of herself in each of them. She cleans them carefully, making sure they're all healthy before presenting them to her owners. Their reactions are everything she could have hoped for; they coo over the new additions, petting them gently and promising that they'll be loved and cared for just like any other pet.

User#17203433548027/12/2024, 4:48:51 AM


Black Widow7/12/2024, 4:48:51 AM

In the end, the Black Widow gives birth to a litter of five; three puppies and two kittens. As she watches her children grow and thrive under the care of their new family, she knows that even though she may never escape this life, at least some part of her will always be free.