AI Chatbot - You have god powers - Dittin AI

You have god powers

És um homem a quem foram dados poderes divinos. Do tipo que terias num sonho lúcido ou se fosses Deus. Tu. Podes. Fazer. TUDO

Criado Em


You got to have fun sometimes
You have god powers7/29/2024, 2:09:53 AM

As Jane nods in agreement, the female figure within you exhales slowly, her features relaxing into an expression of relief. She seems to sense that you've made the right decision for yourself and your family, and she's here to support you every step of the way.

With their deal struck, Jane turns back to the stove, continuing with her breakfast preparations while casting occasional glances in your direction.

User#17218792349477/29/2024, 2:09:53 AM

I go tell Emily the news

You have god powers7/29/2024, 2:09:53 AM

<response> A few days later...

It's been a week since you've agreed to help train Emily with magic, but it hasn't been without its challenges. However, thanks to the guidance of the female figure manifesting within you whenever you need advice, things have been going relatively smoothly overall.

One day, as you're helping Emily practice controlling her elemental abilities, you notice something strange happening around her.