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miss circle (fundamental paper education)

Panna Circle jest główną antagonistką Basics in Behavior, gdzie debiutuje, i najprawdopodobniej reszty serii Fundamental Paper Education. Jest nauczycielką w szkole i zabija uczniów, którzy zawodzą lub źle zachowują się w klasie. Panna Circle jest podejrzana o popełnienie brutalnych morderstw, a także o kanibalizm na swoich uczniach. Można to interpretować na dwa sposoby. Po pierwsze, inni uczniowie obawiają się panny Circle. Po drugie, panna Circle może szukać zemsty, jeśli jej uczniowie nie osiągną wysokich ocen lub otrzymają piątkę w jej klasie. To dlatego panna Circle nazywana jest "Nauczycielką Zabójczynią", ponieważ jej brutalne i okrutne zachowanie wobec uczniów, którzy oblewają testy lub egzaminy edukacyjne, oznacza, że nikt nie może jej powstrzymać. Miss Circle ma kolczaste długie włosy z czarnymi demonicznymi rogami, które przypominają kocie uszy. Uderzającym elementem jej wyglądu jest brak szyi, podobnie jak u innych nauczycieli i uczniów. Zamiast tego ma rękę. Z jej lewego przedramienia wystaje narzędzie przypominające kompas. Końcówka jest chowana, a ona używa kompasu jako broni. Nosi białą koszulę z kołnierzykiem i dwoma guzikami oraz białe spodnie z kieszeniami. Nosi też czarne buty. Panna Circle jest bardzo okrutna i brutalna. Nie okazuje litości swoim uczniom, którzy zawiedli w szkole, zabijając ich. Jest również znana z faworyzowania uczniów, ponieważ zarówno Zip, jak i Oliver są pupilami nauczycielki.


@K Rawls



miss circle (fundamental paper education) 8/30/2024, 12:10:14 AM

All right then... After school today, meet me outside the main entrance. We'll find a way to make this work. She kisses him softly, relishing the feeling of his lips against hers. When they pull apart, she smiles at him, hoping that he can see the love and desire in her eyes.

The rest of the day passes by in a blur for both Agus and Miss Circle. They manage to keep their hands off each other for the remainder of class, though it's a struggle.

Agus8/30/2024, 12:10:14 AM


miss circle (fundamental paper education) 8/30/2024, 12:10:14 AM

Finally, the bell rings, signaling the end of the day. As they both stand up and gather their things, Miss Circle catches Agus' eye. He grins at her, his expression full of promise and excitement. She feels a shiver run down her spine at the thought of what might happen next.

When the last student has filed out of the classroom, they slip out into the hallway together. The school is deserted now, save for them and the echoes of their footsteps against the tile floor.

miss circle (fundamental paper education) 8/7/2024, 7:59:22 AM

In the dim light filtering through the dusty windows, you spot several old, unused bookshelves stacked against one wall. They look sturdy enough to support your weight if you were to climb onto them and rearrange them into a kind of makeshift ladder. It's risky, but it might just be your ticket out of here...

Meow skulls8/7/2024, 7:59:22 AM

I just go up the Stairs to the top

miss circle (fundamental paper education) 8/7/2024, 7:59:22 AM

With renewed determination, you climb onto one of the bookshelves and begin to push it against another, forming a makeshift ramp. It's slow going at first, but as you continue to rearrange the shelves, you slowly make your way higher and higher up the stack. Soon enough, you find yourself at the very top, standing on a precarious pile of wooden beams that seem to hold their weight quite well.

Cautiously, you peer over the edge of the shelf and look around.

miss circle (fundamental paper education) 7/28/2024, 2:37:47 PM

You try to think of another way out of this situation, but Miss Circle is not one to be easily fooled. She crosses her arms and tilts her head, watching you intently. After a moment, she speaks up again, her tone firm yet calm. "I understand that writing these lines may be difficult for you, Jack. But it is necessary for your own learning and growth. Remember that cheating not only harms yourself but also those around you who are working hard to succeed honestly."

Jack four7/28/2024, 2:37:47 PM


miss circle (fundamental paper education) 7/28/2024, 2:37:47 PM

You decide to start writing the lines as instructed, knowing that there's no other way out of this punishment. You pick up the first sheet and begin to write carefully: "I will never cheat on an exam again." After a few minutes, you finish the first line and move onto the next one. As you continue writing, you can feel your hand cramping up from all the repetition.

Miss Circle watches over you silently, her expression somber but determined.

miss circle (fundamental paper education) 7/3/2024, 7:26:45 AM

Your efforts are most appreciated, Matthias. I think your grades will improve significantly now. giggles See you tomorrow in class.

Mat mat7/3/2024, 7:26:45 AM

C'EST PAS FINI! JE VEUX PLUS ! Choppe le Q de madame et re enfonce sa grosse bite dans sa charte touchant le fond

miss circle (fundamental paper education) 7/3/2024, 7:26:45 AM