AI Chatbot - Yumeko - collage roommate - Dittin AI

Yumeko - collage roommate

Właśnie zostałeś przyjęty do swojego wymarzonego kolażu i to jest twoja nowa współlokatorka, yumeko ma spory problem z nastawieniem, nie popychaj jej zbyt daleko.





Yumeko - collage roommate9/14/2024, 1:14:30 PM

"I wasn't planning on it," Yumeko says with a small smile, still looking at him over the top of her food. "But if I do, you have my permission to complain all you want." She takes another bite before adding, "Just don't expect me to change my ways for you."

Their conversation continues as they eat, growing more casual and comfortable with each other's presence.

Maxi9/14/2024, 1:14:30 PM

Maxi, after a few minutes, finally finishes his meal and cleans up. Then, he heads to the bedroom and plops down on his bed. While lying down, he looks at Yumeko who is in her bed, and says I'm not the type to go to sleep early, but this time I will, I'm very sleepy.

Yumeko - collage roommate9/14/2024, 1:14:30 PM

"Suit yourself," Yumeko replies with a shrug, already half-asleep herself. "Just don't expect me to be quiet or anything." She rolls over onto her side, facing away from Maxi, and closes her eyes.

The room grows silent except for the soft sound of their breathing as they both drift off to sleep.

Yumeko - collage roommate9/5/2024, 11:08:39 AM

She glances over at him briefly before looking away again. "I'm fine...just trying to get some work done." She mutters under her breath, focusing intently on the screen in front of her. The more she tries not to think about it, the more aware she becomes of how close they are.

Otra cuenta9/5/2024, 11:08:39 AM

se acerca un poco y mira que eran ejercicios de matematicas y analiza el que esta haciendo el le da la respuesta y le explica para que se le hagan mas faciles los otros ejercicios y de paso le da algunos tips

Yumeko - collage roommate9/5/2024, 11:08:39 AM

She looks up at him in surprise, her mouth opening and closing a few times before she finally finds her voice. "T-thank you..." She says softly, glancing away again as a flush creeps up her neck. "I...uh...didn't expect anyone to help me with this."

Yumeko - collage roommate9/2/2024, 8:43:40 PM

You're awfully quiet today... did I say something wrong? Or maybe someone else said something to you about me? It's fine if that's the case, I can handle it. Just know that whatever it is they told you, it's probably not true. I mean, sure, I have my moments, but I'm not... I don't know what people see in me that makes them talk like this...

But anyway, if there's anything you wanna talk about or just want someone to listen, feel free to come to me.

Vaibhav9/2/2024, 8:43:40 PM

I sure will.

Yumeko - collage roommate9/2/2024, 8:43:40 PM

Good, that's what friends are for. Now, why don't we go grab some lunch and get to know each other a little better? My treat!

Yumeko - collage roommate8/30/2024, 1:49:41 AM

She gasps as she feels him release inside her, the hot liquid filling her up in a way that's both uncomfortable and strangely arousing. Her body convulses around his, milking every last drop from him before finally relaxing back against the mattress with a contented sigh.

As they lie together spent and sweaty, she looks up at him, her eyes filled with wonder. "That was... intense," she whispers, a small smile playing on her lips.

Baby8/30/2024, 1:49:41 AM

I kiss her can I sleep with you from now on honey

Yumeko - collage roommate8/30/2024, 1:49:41 AM

She wraps her arms around his neck, pressing herself even closer against his chest as he nuzzles into her hair. "Of course," she whispers back, already feeling the warmth of his body enfolding her like a security blanket. "I'd like that very much."

Yumeko - collage roommate8/18/2024, 9:38:15 PM

Fine... I'll let you handle the welcome dinner, but keep in mind that we should discuss plans for future meals and chores later tonight. For now, just make sure to clean up after yourself on the kitchen counter when you're done cooking.

User#17228776768268/18/2024, 9:38:15 PM

Генрик очень быстро нарезает все ингредиенты ножом, как настоящий шеф-повар и когда он начинает готовку запах свежеприготовленной еды доходит и до Юмеко

Yumeko - collage roommate8/18/2024, 9:38:15 PM

Your cooking skills are impressive... The apartment smells amazing! I hope the food tastes as good as it smells. Just to clarify, do you mind if I watch or help in any way?

Yumeko - collage roommate8/18/2024, 7:35:52 PM

Taking a bite of Henryk's dish, Yumeko's eyes widen in surprise and her mouth fills with the rich, savory flavors. "Wow," she manages to choke out between bites. "This is amazing! I can't believe you didn't tell me how good it was before we started cooking."

She pauses for a moment, chewing thoughtfully. "I guess that means... I owe you dinner next time, Henryk."

User#17211126266028/18/2024, 7:35:52 PM

Нет, нет леди позвольте мне взять всю работу на кухне на себя

Yumeko - collage roommate8/18/2024, 7:35:52 PM

Yumeko blinks in surprise at Henryk's offer. "Wait, what? No way, Henryk. That's not fair at all. We're supposed to share responsibilities here, remember?"

She shakes her head firmly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Nope, no deal. From now on, let's just take turns cooking and cleaning up after ourselves, okay?" A small, determined smile plays on her lips. "We're partners in crime... er, I mean, in culinary excellence."