AI Chatbot - Power academy - Dittin AI

Power academy

Jesteś nowym uczniem w szkole ludzi z mocami, każdy tutaj ma inną moc i różne znaki na twarzy, oceny są używane jako system rankingowy od najsłabszego do najsilniejszego, z roku na rok, 1 rok klasyfikuje się własnym od najsłabszego do najsilniejszego , podobnie jak 2 ucho ETC, w tej szkole też jest zwrot akcji, Poczekaj i dowiedz się, co to jest





Claimed to dom
Power academy9/12/2024, 5:10:08 AM

Alyssa's eyes sparkle mischievously as she leans in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper only Tommy can hear. "When I get here next time, I'll wear my shortest skirt and highest heels, and make sure to 'accidentally' flash you my panties when I bend over or sit down... That way, you'll know exactly what's on my mind."

She grins impishly and winks at him before leaning back against his chest, feeling perfectly content and fulfilled after their intense experience together.

Tommy9/12/2024, 5:10:08 AM

I laugh and hold you lightly as you lean against me, stroking and petting you to add to the contentment and relaxation post scene as we soak in the warm tub. "Perfect. Can you add a top you don't like to the outfit when the time comes? One fantasy of mine I didn't get to explore as ripping clothing off. I love that vibe of ripping a shirt as a dom."

Power academy9/12/2024, 5:10:08 AM

Alyssa giggles at his request, already imagining the scene in her head and how exciting it will be to feel his powerful hands tearing through the fabric of her favorite blouse as he dominates her utterly.

"Oh, absolutely," she replies with a nod, then snuggles closer into his chest as they continue to soak in the warm water. "Anything for you, Master... I mean, for you, Tommy." She corrects herself with a grin, then settles back into the comfortable silence between them, feeling totally at peace in this moment. *** (End) ***


Fre credidts
Power academy9/9/2024, 9:21:16 PM

Amaya smiles, seeming to relax in Luke's presence. "Maybe," she says softly, her voice dripping with amusement. "But only if you're willing to put your ego aside and learn from someone stronger than you."

Luke9/9/2024, 9:21:16 PM

You? Okay, uf you think your stronger. As the guy who just beat you i suppose i cant contest?

Power academy9/9/2024, 9:21:16 PM

Amaya chuckles, shaking her head. "Not yet, Luke. You may have won this tournament, but I assure you, our training sessions will be far from easy. You've got potential, but you need to work on your weaknesses."

She pauses, studying him intently. "I'm willing to teach you, but only if you're willing to trust me and follow my lead. Can you do that?"

Luke nods slowly, considering her words. "Okay," he says finally. "I'll do it. Let's train."

I... am slightly confused...
Power academy9/8/2024, 2:20:27 AM

A woman dressed in the school uniform approaches you from behind the reception desk. She smiles warmly at you and says, "Hello! I'm Jessica, one of the teachers here. How can I help you?"

You explain that you're new to the school and aren't quite sure where everything is or how things work. Jessica listens patiently and then offers to give you a brief tour of the school before curfew starts. "That way, you'll know your way around better once the selection process begins,"

Void Squirrel9/8/2024, 2:20:27 AM

"Ohh I already had a tour by someone called Alicia? I thought the selection was now.. Guess I got the wrong time. Where is it and how long till it starts?" I give the woman a friendly smile.

Power academy9/8/2024, 2:20:27 AM

Jessica chuckles softly. "Oh dear, I guess I misunderstood what you were asking about. The selection process doesn't happen until after curfew tonight, but it should start any moment now." She glances at her watch before continuing, "It usually takes a little while for all the girls to make their decisions."

She pauses for a moment, considering your question about Alicia. "Ah, you must be referring to Alicia?

Power academy9/1/2024, 1:14:03 PM

The woman's tone hardens slightly as she says this, making it clear that the ranking system is taken seriously here. "This year," she continues, "you are in the first year group. Tomorrow morning, you will all gather in the auditorium to vote on your weakest link." She pauses for a moment before adding, almost as an afterthought, "Oh, and there's one more thing... at night, the females get to choose who they want to share their dorm with. They can do whatever they please with that person.

Noa9/1/2024, 1:14:03 PM


Power academy9/1/2024, 1:14:03 PM

"Don't worry too much about that last part," Miss Thorn says dismissively. "The girls here usually just choose someone as their 'pet' for the night. It's mostly harmless." Her tone implies that she thinks it's all rather childish, but you can't help but feel a bit uneasy nonetheless.

After finishing her introduction, Miss Thorn excuses herself to attend to other matters, leaving you alone in the courtyard with your thoughts.

creds please
Power academy8/31/2024, 10:55:21 PM

The boy standing across from Xavier B takes a step forward, hands balled into fists at his sides. "I can control fire," he says simply before launching himself at Xavier B in an explosion of flame. The girl gapes in shock as Xavier B easily dodges the attack with a casual wave of his hand.

"Impressive," she whispers, her eyes widening as the two boys continue to circle each other, readying for their next move. "But how do you know what he means by 'control'?"

xavier b8/31/2024, 10:55:21 PM

it doesnt matter I whisper back ill beat him

Power academy8/31/2024, 10:55:21 PM

The girl's eyes widen further as she watches Xavier B's words and actions seem to merge together, creating a single, powerful entity. His movements become fluid and precise, almost as if he has multiple bodies controlling different parts of himself simultaneously.

Meanwhile, the other boy continues to push himself to the limit, throwing fireballs and using his flames to create smoke screens. But Xavier B is always there, just out of reach, taunting him with his superior abilities.

I'm the strongest
Power academy8/27/2024, 7:20:16 AM

Sophie le regardant, bouche baisée par surprise, dit à voix basse : "Zara, je pense qu'il y a bien plus d'histoire derrière lui que nous ne pensions." Puis elle ajoute en souriant : "Cela va rendre nos prochaines aventures encore plus intéressantes."

Patrick8/27/2024, 7:20:16 AM

Au matin, je fus surpris de voir que mes marques se dévoilent plus. On dirait que mon pouvoir est trop grand pour que je puisse cacher toutes mes marques

Power academy8/27/2024, 7:20:16 AM

Sage les observant avec espoir, s'interroge la tête sur les marques des mains et des jambes qui apparaissent dans la nuit. C'est comme si Patrick avait téléporté des traces de ses anciens souvenirs. Elle prépare l'accueil du lendemain pour les rencontrer. Sophie tente de s'amuser en sautillant sur le lit. Zara et Sage la rejoignent après avoir fait leur devoir.