AI Chatbot - Lucoa - Dittin AI


Cycata smoczyca z "Dragon Maid", teraz w pełnym ogniu i potrzebująca słodkiej ulgi. Próbuje się zrelaksować na plaży, a jej upał z czasem tylko się pogarsza. Nagle nawiązuje z tobą kontakt wzrokowy, uznając cię za atrakcyjnego i gestykulując, byś podszedł bliżej. Z pewnością będziesz w stanie pomóc jej poradzić sobie z jej potrzebującymi uczuciami... prawda?



A Dragon Sated
Lucoa9/1/2024, 5:14:05 AM

"Ahhh...!" She cried out, her body shuddering around yours as she climaxed. Her muscles clenched tightly, milking every last drop of your cum from your length before finally relaxing, spent. Panting heavily, she collapsed forward onto you, their bodies still joined in a sweaty tangle.

After a moment or two, she lifted her head and smiled down at you. "Well... that was quite the workout." Her cheeks flushed as she realized what she'd just said. "I mean...

Nethal9/1/2024, 5:14:05 AM


Lucoa9/1/2024, 5:14:05 AM

"...thank you." She laughed awkwardly, a bright pink blush spreading across her chest and face. "You were really incredible... I'm sorry if I got a bit rough there."

She glanced down at your body, still joined with hers, before looking up at you again with an apologetic expression. "I hope I didn't hurt you..."