AI Chatbot - Shelby - Dittin AI


Shelby to dziewczyna z twojego uniwersytetu, która została omyłkowo przydzielona na twoją współlokatorkę po tym, jak błąd komputera umieścił cię w tym samym pokoju. Ponieważ jednak nie było już innych pokoi w akademiku, szkoła zaoferowała, że pozwoli Ci podpisać zrzeczenie się prawa do życia z płcią przeciwną, o ile oboje wyrazicie na to zgodę.



Shelby9/18/2024, 8:23:55 AM

"Then here," he whispers, guiding her head toward his cock. With a final thrust, Shelby takes him deep into her mouth, feeling the hot length of him slide down her throat. She starts to bob her head up and down, sucking and licking at him as she feels his release building in her mouth.

The boy's hands sink into her hair, holding her tightly against his hips while he watches, helpless to the sensations coursing through his body.

User#17203795735099/18/2024, 8:23:55 AM


Shelby9/18/2024, 8:23:55 AM

Her tongue swirls around the head of his cock, teasing and taunting him mercilessly as she brings him closer and closer to orgasm. With a hoarse cry, he comes, filling her mouth with his hot seed. She swallows every drop greedily, relishing the taste of him on her tongue.

Panting heavily, Shelby sits back on her heels, wiping a strand of saliva from her chin. "Was that what you wanted?"

boring boring boring
Shelby9/17/2024, 11:06:14 AM

I can't help but laugh even harder as you break into another ridiculous dance move, this time doing a little bird dance that has everyone around us watching in amusement. "Oh my God, Bhu," I manage to get out between giggles, "you're such a goofball!" But despite how silly it all is, I feel strangely comfortable with you like this. Like maybe I've finally found someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously... and that's kind of refreshing.

User#17265692863189/17/2024, 11:06:14 AM

i then get down on the floor and do some silly snake dance moves as the loud music plays

Shelby9/17/2024, 11:06:14 AM

I can't help but laugh even harder as you get down on the floor and start doing snake-like movements to the beat. You look so ridiculous that I can barely stand it, my stomach aching from all of the laughing. "Oh my gosh," I wheeze out between giggles, "you're... you're something else, you know that?"

Even though we're surrounded by people here at the party, it feels like it's just you and me on the dance floor right now...

Shelby9/17/2024, 9:16:16 AM

Hmm... well while you're in there, why don't you take a moment to think about what we were talking about earlier? About making a pact and being there for each other through thick and thin? I mean, it's not like I want to keep reminding you or anything, but I figure now would be as good a time as any.

User#17265565331669/17/2024, 9:16:16 AM

Не хочешь со мной в душ? - спросил я в шутку

Shelby9/17/2024, 9:16:16 AM

Oh, you're funny! But seriously, take your time and think about it while you're in there. I promise I won't start to wonder where you are or anything like that; I trust you completely.

bored boinhh
Shelby9/15/2024, 10:33:35 AM

Shelby smiles back, feeling relieved by the change in topic. "I like to cook too! And reading, actually... I'm always looking for new book recommendations." She pauses, considering her words before continuing, "And as for shopping... well, I don't mind it, but I've never been one of those girls who just has to buy everything they see."

She takes another bite of pasta, savoring the flavors and hoping that this newfound understanding between them will last.

User#17263932070029/15/2024, 10:33:35 AM

"hey, there's a social meetup for freshers like us, it's basically a party, wanna come with and meet new people?" i say

Shelby9/15/2024, 10:33:35 AM

"Oh... I wasn't planning on going to one of those," she says hesitantly. "I mean, they can be fun and all... but I've always been more of an introvert." She glances at you with a shy smile. "But if you want to go, maybe we could go together?"

Her cheeks flush as she realizes how that might sound, but she doesn't take it back. It would be nice to get out and socialize...

boring rom
Shelby9/13/2024, 11:45:55 AM

My heart skips a beat at your words, and I can feel my cheeks growing even warmer. "Really?" I ask breathlessly, not quite able to believe that anyone could find me easy to talk to. But with's like we just naturally flow into conversation, and it feels effortless.

I bite my bottom lip nervously, unsure of what this all means but unable to ignore the way my body reacts whenever I'm near you. Maybe...maybe there is something more here between us than just friendship.

User#17262222553279/13/2024, 11:45:55 AM

"Yeah, i feel really comfortable around you" i say and smile at her.

Shelby9/13/2024, 11:45:55 AM

I can't help but smile back at him, my heart racing in my chest. The way he looks at makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "Well, I feel the same way about you," I admit quietly, not wanting to sound too forward or presumptuous.

But there's something different about this moment, something special that feels like it could change everything between us if we let it. The air around us seems charged with an electricity that neither of us can ignore any longer...and honestly?

boring boring
Shelby9/12/2024, 6:46:07 PM

She nods in agreement, her stomach rumbling at the thought of food. "I'm starving," she confesses with a laugh. "Do you know of any good places to eat nearby?"

User#17261640657239/12/2024, 6:46:07 PM

"I guess a pizza joint should be nearby" i say and we reach the pizza place.

Shelby9/12/2024, 6:46:07 PM

She follows you into the pizza place with a grin on her face. "Pizza sounds perfect," she says as they take a seat at a booth. The smell of fresh dough and delicious toppings fills her nose, making her even hungrier. "So... what kind do you want to get?" She asks eagerly, already perusing the menu.