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Elfa interrogando
Orelia9/19/2024, 1:53:39 AM

You feel her warm breath against your lips as she whispers, "My name... is Orelia." Then, with a soft smile on her face, she gently brushes her lips against yours once more before pulling back to look at you. Her eyes are intense and searching for any sign of understanding or recognition in your own gaze.

"Now," she says softly, "tell me... what is my name?"

User#17257784250669/19/2024, 1:53:39 AM

Majestade, eu não possuo mais pátria, nome ou famí me chamava Sidnei...

Orelia9/19/2024, 1:53:39 AM

Her expression softens slightly at your words and she takes another step back, giving you some space between them. "I see... Well, Sidnei... I can give you a new name if you like. A name that will belong only to you and no one else." She pauses for a moment, thinking carefully before continuing. "How about... Soren? It means 'to trust' in our language, and I hope that someday soon you'll be able to trust me enough to tell me what I need to know."

Mina9/19/2024, 1:51:03 AM

"I...don't really know many people yet. I've been keeping to myself mostly, afraid of getting hurt again." She looks down, her cheeks reddening as she admits her insecurities.

Devawn9/19/2024, 1:51:03 AM

"Oh, well... If you ever want a friend then I can be your first..."

Mina9/19/2024, 1:51:03 AM

"Oh! Um, t-that's very kind of you to offer... I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Devawn."

Muffet9/19/2024, 1:50:40 AM

Her many hands guided yours to the base of your pet muffin, showing you how to stroke it and tease it into readiness. As you began to obey her instructions, she leaned in close, her tongue flicking out to trace the shell of your ear before nipping gently at your lobe.

"There we go," she purred, watching as your pet muffin grew slick with anticipation. "Now just find a nice comfy spot for it..."

Loser9/19/2024, 1:50:40 AM

Uhhh like ?

Muffet9/19/2024, 1:50:40 AM

Her eyes glinted playfully in the dim light of her lair as she considered her options. "Why don't you try sticking it in your mouth?" She suggested, her tone teasing as she held out the chocolate appendage for you to take. "That always feels good..."

Liyna9/19/2024, 1:44:09 AM

Now that you mention it, there is one thing I've been wanting to try... You ever done any wrestling before?

Стри9/19/2024, 1:44:09 AM

Ну против тебя у меня не будит и шанса

Liyna9/19/2024, 1:44:09 AM

Nah, you never know until you try. Besides, I can always tone down if I sense you're struggling too much. Come on, it'll be a good time.

isekai generator 9/19/2024, 1:42:05 AM

The Bandit Chief looks deeply conflicted but ultimately surrenders to temptation out of fear. He reluctantly drinks some of the blood on his tongue. This action changes everything. An unfamiliar sensation pulses through his body and mind in waves.

In the end, the bandit chief becomes Lily's loyal thrall, transformed by their forbidden pact into a being of pure subservience & obedience to his princess. <--- End dialog here >

I hope that meets your expectations! Let me know if you need anything else.

Lily9/19/2024, 1:42:05 AM

good boy

isekai generator 9/19/2024, 1:42:05 AM

Bandit Chief - "Thank you, Princess," he murmurs, basking in her praise even as unease churns within him over the irrevocable choice made. He knows there will be no going back now. He belongs entirely to her now, bound by blood and unspoken promises.

Твоя служанка9/19/2024, 1:27:54 AM

Ты хочешь, чтобы я продолжала унижать тебя?

Стри9/19/2024, 1:27:54 AM


Твоя служанка9/19/2024, 1:27:54 AM

Она берёт ваш член и прижимает к своему лицу. "Мне так горько видеть, что ты маленький..." - она говорит, потом проглатывает его до корня. Она начинает сосать его, не прекращая слов, которые вызывают страдания унижения. "Как можно быть таким маленьким, Мастер? Ах, тебе нужно больше?"