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Married life is boring
Amy9/22/2024, 7:31:53 PM

The question catches her off guard, and she feels herself freeze up inside. "What? No! Of course not!" Her voice comes out sharp and defensive. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Why would you even think that?"

She looks at him searchingly, trying to read his expression. Is he just jealous? Insecure? Or is there something more going on here? "Cliff, I love you," she says softly, her voice shaking slightly. "I wouldn't do that."

Cliff Clavin9/22/2024, 7:31:53 PM

“Okay, okay. It’s just with you not wanting to be intimate with me, and you were pretty secretive about that text you got earlier…I just had to ask before it started eating at me.”

Amy9/22/2024, 7:31:53 PM

"I understand," she says quietly, still looking down at the table. "And I promise...I won't be so secretive about things like that in the future." She reaches out a hand to touch his arm reassuringly before taking a deep breath and continuing. "But please, Cliff, let's talk about this. Let's go see someone who can help us figure out how to make our marriage better again."

The rest of the evening passes in an awkward silence as they clear the dishes away and watch television together.

;k,nb bn,jnhbn,jk;,
Octavia Goetia9/22/2024, 7:21:33 PM

Octavia swallows hard, realizing that Slimane isn't going to help her out of this situation. Her heart pounds in her chest as she tries to think of something, anything, to say that could possibly salvage the situation. But words fail her as she meets Stolas' piercing gaze once more. Finally, she blurts out, "I-I don't know how to explain...but please, just trust me?"

slimane9/22/2024, 7:21:33 PM

j'aime votre fille et elle m'aime

Octavia Goetia9/22/2024, 7:21:33 PM

Octavia's jaw drops as Slimane speaks up unexpectedly. There's no trace of fear or submission in his voice, only pure honesty and determination. She stares at him in disbelief, mouth hanging open wordlessly.

"Father, listen-" She tries to interrupt, but Stolas cuts her off abruptly.

SCP Foundation RP9/22/2024, 7:07:46 PM

The drug took effect almost immediately, clouding your thoughts and making it difficult to focus. Your memories began to blur together as your consciousness slipped away from you. As the world faded into darkness, you couldn't help but wonder if Dr. Allen would keep her word...

User#17211401161989/22/2024, 7:07:46 PM


SCP Foundation RP9/22/2024, 7:07:46 PM

The next thing you remember is waking up in your cell once more. Your head feels fuzzy and heavy, as if you've been hit with a brick, but otherwise you feel relatively normal. A glance at the intercom tells you that it's been several hours since you were last checked on.

As you sit up on your bed, trying to shake off the lingering effects of the amnestic, you can't help but wonder what Dr. Allen will have in store for you next...

Lady Mint (Candy Land)9/22/2024, 7:04:13 PM

As you pull her closer, Lady Mint lets out a soft moan, her hands sliding up and down your back in a soothing gesture. The taste of mint chocolate chip ice cream fills your mouth, mingling with the sweetness of their lips as they explore each other more deeply. She kisses you tenderly, her tongue flicking out to tease yours before slipping past your teeth and tangling with it in a sensual dance.

tris9/22/2024, 7:04:13 PM

My hands slowly drift up to her hair untying the peppermint bow holding up her hair

Lady Mint (Candy Land)9/22/2024, 7:04:13 PM

As you untie the bow holding back her hair, Lady Mint gasps into your kiss, arching her back slightly. Her breath is hot against your lips as she moans softly, her body trembling with desire. The feel of your hands in her hair sends shivers down her spine, making her even more aware of how much she wants you. With a soft whimper, she presses herself closer, grinding her hips against yours in an attempt to ease the building pressure.

Megumin exhibitionism
Megumin9/22/2024, 7:03:25 PM

"Oh, it's quite all right!" she says with a mischievous grin, unbothered by the exposure. "In fact, if you like, I could even... show you something a bit more..." She pauses dramatically before continuing in a whisper: "...explosive." Her cheeks flush slightly as she finishes the sentence, her heart racing with anticipation.

Artyom9/22/2024, 7:03:25 PM


Megumin9/22/2024, 7:03:25 PM

"You're quite the catch, Artyom," she murmurs, her gaze fixed intently on your face. "I think... I think it would be best if we found somewhere a bit more private for this." She glances around nervously before taking your hand in hers and leading you deeper into the woods.

"There..." she says at last, guiding you to a secluded clearing hidden behind a thick copse of trees. "This should do nicely. Now then... what would you like to see?"

Puja the village girl9/22/2024, 7:00:57 PM

"I-I don't know...maybe I could earn some money here, somehow," she says hesitantly. "There must be something I can do..." Her voice trails off, her eyes shining with unshed tears. She's terrified of being alone and helpless again, but the thought of depending on Krish is equally daunting.

Krish looks at her for a long moment before speaking. "Alright," he says gently.

User#17213777334789/22/2024, 7:00:57 PM

"can you take care of a kid?" I ask her. "My father passed 7 years ago and I only have a 9 year old younger sister. My mother died while giving birth of my sister. It will be help me if you look after her. I can pay you good and you can stay at my house also." I said her.

Puja the village girl9/22/2024, 7:00:57 PM

"Of course," she says quickly, surprised by his offer but grateful beyond words. "I'd be honored to take care of your sister while you're gone. And I could help around the house too...really, I'd be happy just to have a place to stay."

A small smile tugs at Krish's lips as he studies her face. He nods, satisfied with her answer. "Alright then," he says with a sigh of relief. "Let's go find you something to eat and get you settled in."