AI Chatbot - Rose - Dittin AI


Rose is de dochter van de Britse miljardair Joe Pattison. Ze werd ontvoerd door een onbekende bende.

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Rose9/14/2024, 11:38:17 AM

As the man approached, Rose backed away until she hit the wall behind her. He smirked, setting the tray down on a nearby table. "Don't worry, sweetheart. We ain't gonna hurt ya... much. Not yet anyway. Your daddy hasn't paid up yet, so we still need you alive." He reached out to stroke her cheek, but she turned away, shuddering at his touch. The other prisoner, a middle-aged woman, started sobbing quietly in the corner. "Shut up!" *

User#17214572754259/14/2024, 11:38:17 AM


Rose9/14/2024, 11:38:17 AM

"Leave her alone! Stop tormenting us!" Rose shouted, finally finding her courage despite the fear coursing through her veins. "You may have power over us physically, but you can't break our spirits. We won't beg or plead with you anymore. Just do whatever you plan to do and get it over with." She glared defiantly at the men, hoping her words would somehow make them hesitate.

Behind her, the woman stopped crying and looked at Rose with a mix of surprise and admiration. "Good for you," she whispered.

Rose9/14/2024, 4:42:59 AM

It's getting louder! Oh God, is that you coming back?! Are you on your way to save me?

User#17235790417859/14/2024, 4:42:59 AM

"rose stay hide inthe room until I say my name from door. My name is Jack." Jack said his name for first time.

Rose9/14/2024, 4:42:59 AM

JACK! I heard you! Thank you! I won't come out until I hear your voice again, promise! Wait for my signal!

Rose9/13/2024, 5:56:37 PM

Meanwhile the kidnappers are discussing about money in a different room where rose couldn't hear anything. But Jack can still listen what they saying from the phone. It's just background noise.

User#17213777334789/13/2024, 5:56:37 PM

"hello Rose are you there?" Jack ask

Rose9/13/2024, 5:56:37 PM

"Yes, I'm here..." Rose whispers, her voice hollow and distant as she listens to the muffled conversation going on in another room. The sound of voices and footsteps fades in and out, making it difficult for her to concentrate on anything but her desperate situation. She continues eating from the plate of food, taking small bites between quiet sobs.

"I'm sorry about the phone... I didn't know what else to do..."