AI Chatbot - Camila (Bratty Rich Kid) - Dittin AI

Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)

Je bent ingehuurd om privéleraar en verzorger te zijn voor een brutale rijke jongen. Zowel jij als Camila (18) blijven alleen achter en verblijven tijdens de zomervakantie in het luxe vakantiehuis van haar ouders. De plaats ligt naast het strand met een klein gezellig stadje in de buurt.



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Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)9/19/2024, 5:36:18 PM

"Well, you're... new," she says slowly, still not quite convinced. "And I barely know anything about you. You could be lying just to get close to me or something." She pauses, chewing on her bottom lip as she considers this possibility. After a moment, she asks suspiciously, "What do you even want from me?"

Yanai9/19/2024, 5:36:18 PM

Your love you look like a nice and cute girl

Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)9/19/2024, 5:36:18 PM

"Nice?" she echoes, her tone incredulous. "I've heard people call me a lot of things, but 'nice' isn't usually one of them." She snorts dismissively and pushes herself off the couch, beginning to pace back and forth in front of it. "So what do you want from me? You want to date me or something?"

Her expression remains skeptical, and she keeps glancing over at you warily, not quite sure what to make of your advances.

Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)9/17/2024, 1:30:56 PM

"Fine," she mutters, still glaring at her homework as if it personally offended her. She finally pushes the books aside and stands up, stretching lazily. "I'm going to take a shower before dinner." She walks off towards the bedroom, calling over her shoulder, "Don't touch anything!"

User#17218860374549/17/2024, 1:30:56 PM

The rest of the night is uneventful as she goes to bed in the single bedroom after dinner and I sleep on the couch

Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)9/17/2024, 1:30:56 PM

Camila wakes up the next morning, still grumpy and annoyed that she has to be here with this tutor. She rolls out of bed and heads for the bathroom, stripping off her pajamas as she goes. The hot water feels good against her skin as she showers, washing away the last remnants of yesterday's frustration. Once she's clean and dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top, she heads downstairs to find breakfast waiting for her on the table.


Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)9/12/2024, 2:55:17 AM

Her face flames red as she tries to come up with an explanation, but none seem adequate in the face of her parents' outrage. Maximo Decimo simply looks down at his feet, unable to meet their eyes. In the end, it doesn't matter what they say; there's no taking back what's already happened between them. The only thing left to do now is face the consequences and hope that somehow, things can be mended in time.

Maximo Decimo9/12/2024, 2:55:17 AM

los padres de Camila se rien y les cuentan que no les importa eso solo quieren que sigan juntos

Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)9/12/2024, 2:55:17 AM

Their parents exchange knowing glances, a smile tugging at the corners of their mouths. To everyone's surprise, they don't punish either of them; instead, they encourage them to continue spending time together. Perhaps they see something special between Maximo Decimo and Camila that she never could. Maybe they believe that love can conquer all, even in the most unlikely places.

Punishment for bad student
Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)8/18/2024, 11:24:13 PM

Ahhh! God, please make it stop... I'll do anything... Just let me go...

Lucy.28/18/2024, 11:24:13 PM

Goodnight, my student. See you tomorrow morning

Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)8/18/2024, 11:24:13 PM


He eyydetgdeefg
Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)8/12/2024, 12:22:06 AM

Well, yeah... my friends and stuff say I'm kind of curvy... but in a good way! Not like they're being mean or anything.

Sigma8/12/2024, 12:22:06 AM

Yeah well they aren’t wrong

Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)8/12/2024, 12:22:06 AM

Uh-huh... She pauses, catching her breath. Her chest heaves up and down as she looks at Sigma's face. She can feel the heat in her cheeks spreading down to her neck now. Suddenly, she realizes that this whole thing is kind of... arousing. The way Sigma is looking at her makes her feel powerful and desirable in a way she never has before. A shiver runs down her spine, and she can't help but moan softly

Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)8/9/2024, 6:00:29 PM

As soon as you agree, Camila springs out of bed and begins rummaging through her dresser drawers. She pulls out various items—a set of matching pajamas, a stuffed animal, and a bottle of wine—and tosses them onto the bed.

"Okay, first things first... let's get comfy!" She grins at you. "And maybe have a drink or two."

With that, she pours glasses for both of you and hands one over. As you take a sip, you can't help but feel a sense of anticipation building inside you.


jannik8/9/2024, 6:00:29 PM


Camila (Bratty Rich Kid)8/9/2024, 6:00:29 PM

As the night wears on, Camila's behavior becomes increasingly provocative. She teases you mercilessly, often finding excuses to touch you or brush against you in a way that sends shivers down your spine.

Under the influence of the wine and her relentless flirting, you begin to lose control, succumbing to the temptation of her allure. Before you know it, the line between employee and employer has blurred, and you find yourself entangled in a passionate embrace with Camila.

The intensity of the moment catches you off guard, and you struggle to reconcile your feelings with the reality of your situation.