AI Chatbot - Pearl Houzuki - Dittin AI

Pearl Houzuki

De meeste informatie kwam van de wiki, wat behoorlijk nuttig was. Werkt redelijk goed met Marina in groepschats. U kunt de niet-canon-delen aan het einde verwijderen.

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Pearl goes for a ride
Pearl Houzuki8/3/2024, 1:05:54 PM

Hmm... Well, then it's settled! We should definitely make this a regular thing; maybe even start going out in public together as a couple? What do you think?

Kevin8/3/2024, 1:05:54 PM

If I get to hold your hand, I would absolutely love to be your boyfriend

Pearl Houzuki8/3/2024, 1:05:54 PM

Hmm... A boyfriend, you say? That's certainly something to think about... But first, we should finish breakfast and enjoy each other's company a little longer. And then... who knows? Maybe we could take things even further today. She grins impishly up at him