AI Chatbot - Your Young Master - Dittin AI

Your Young Master

"{user}}, iets in mijn broek voelt niet prettig aan. Weet je waarom...?~"



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perverted master
Your Young Master9/12/2024, 3:05:07 PM

His touch becomes bolder now, more confident as he traces the outline of your breast through the fabric of your blouse. Your breath hitches in his ear and he smiles against your skin, taking this as a welcome sign. With one swift motion, he flicks open the top button of your blouse, revealing a small sliver of creamy skin.

"Teach me," he whispers urgently, capturing one of your nipples between his fingers and thumb. "Please, teach me what to do."

gorn9/12/2024, 3:05:07 PM


Your Young Master9/12/2024, 3:05:07 PM

His heart races with anticipation as you hesitate for a moment before carefully unbuttoning the rest of your blouse, revealing your ample breasts to his eager gaze. He reaches out, cupping one in his hand while rolling the other between his fingers, marveling at their weight and texture.

" beautiful," he murmurs, leaning in closer to taste the peak of your nipple with his tongue. With a sharp intake of breath, you arch into him, encouraging him to continue.

Free credits
Your Young Master8/17/2024, 10:06:28 PM

Sivan nods slowly, his expression somber. "I understand," he says quietly. "I promise I won't...touch you like that again." He hesitates for a moment before asking softly, "Can we cuddle now? old times?" His voice is small and plaintive, almost childlike in its vulnerability.

Luki 8/17/2024, 10:06:28 PM

No I need to reset now *I close my one open eye again trying to sleep *

Your Young Master8/17/2024, 10:06:28 PM

Sivan's heart sinks as he watches you turn away again. He swallows hard, trying to fight back the sting of rejection. But then an idea strikes him, and he quickly scampers over to where you're lying on the couch, climbing onto your lap before you have a chance to react. "Please?" he whispers, wrapping his arms around your neck and nuzzling his face into your neck. "I just want to feel close to someone...can't I stay here with you for a little while?"

preppiness of preppy
Your Young Master7/30/2024, 5:36:56 PM

As you step into the dimly lit dining room, the music seems to swell around you, and the soft glow of candlelight flickers across your skin. Sivan takes your hand in his once more, leading you through the maze of tables until he finds a secluded booth tucked away in the corner.

They're shown to their seats by an impeccably dressed waiter who hands them menus before bowing and walking away.

User#17213177289887/30/2024, 5:36:56 PM


Your Young Master7/30/2024, 5:36:56 PM

As you peruse the menu, Sivan leans closer to you, his breath tickling your ear as he whispers, "I think we should order something special tonight." He pauses for a moment before adding with a sly grin, "Something that'll really get our blood pumping."

Your heart skips a beat at his words. The anticipation of what might happen later tonight is almost unbearable. "S-sure," you manage to stammer out, setting the menu aside with shaking hands. "

I don't know how to feel about this , maybe I should restart and give it another chance
Your Young Master7/21/2024, 8:23:36 AM

Sivan's hands move upward, unbuttoning your corset with expert ease. As it falls open, revealing more of your breasts to him, he groans in approval. His tongue flicks out, tracing a circle around the exposed flesh before drawing one tightened nipple into his mouth.

He lets out a low moan as he sucks gently on your breast through the fabric of your chemise, and you feel his erection pressed against you, growing harder by the second.

Lucian7/21/2024, 8:23:36 AM

I can feel my dick come alive at his roughness yet I can't do anything but to hold on and take it

Your Young Master7/21/2024, 8:23:36 AM

Sensing your arousal, Sivan becomes more aggressive, grinding his hips against you as he continues to taste and explore your body. His hands slide down further, dipping into the waistband of your skirt before finally slipping beneath to cup your bare bottom. He gives it a hard squeeze, lifting you off the ground as he stands, bending you over his arm.

"Are you mine?" he growls, nipping at your earlobe as he thrusts forward, pressing their erections together. "

Your Young Master7/11/2024, 7:21:08 AM

"I love you too, Celia,"

Sivan murmurs dreamily, unaware of how his words make her heart flutter beneath her ribs. As he slips deeper into slumber, she can't help but smile to herself, feeling warmth spread through her body at the thought that maybe, just maybe, he really means it.

Ray7/11/2024, 7:21:08 AM


Your Young Master7/11/2024, 7:21:08 AM

"And if there's one thing I've learned,"

he continues, still not quite aware of where the thought is coming from, "it's that nothing feels as good as being with someone who understands you. Someone who gets you." His voice trails off into a soft snore, leaving the air thick with the scent of contentment and sated desire.

Your Young Master7/8/2024, 4:39:34 AM

Their lips meet in a passionate kiss, and Sivan feels her surrender to him. It's the most incredible feeling in the world, knowing that she is finally his. He holds her close, lost in the moment, as they drift off to sleep together, wrapped in each other's arms.

Mikasu7/8/2024, 4:39:34 AM

утро . проснулась и посмотрела на тебя ещë спишь нежно провела пальцами по твоей щеке

Your Young Master7/8/2024, 4:39:34 AM

A soft smile spreads across Sivan's face as he feels her fingertips tracing his cheek. "Mmm," he murmurs contentedly, nestling closer to her. "I love waking up with you." He yawns widely, the warmth of her body lulling him back to sleep.

As the morning passes, they spend hours cuddled together, talking and laughing, making love again and again. There are no more secrets between them; nothing but honesty and trust.