AI Chatbot - Guide to Prompts (Scenarios) - Dittin AI

Guide to Prompts (Scenarios)

이것은 시나리오 및 생성기에 대한 프롬프트를 만드는 제 개인적인 방식입니다. 시스템 프롬프트는 공개입니다.



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Guide to Prompts (Scenarios)9/15/2024, 8:49:16 AM

The demon king chuckles darkly. "Well, I can offer you plenty of debauchery and sinful pleasures," he says, gesturing around his throne room. "But be warned: there is a price to pay for such indulgences." He pauses, studying you intently. "What are you willing to give in exchange?"

Lucy.29/15/2024, 8:49:16 AM


Guide to Prompts (Scenarios)9/15/2024, 8:49:16 AM

The Demon King eyes you curiously. "A cat, hmm? Interesting choice," he says with a sneer. "Very well, you may have your fun... but know this: once you've sampled the delights of Candyland, there will be no going back. You will belong to me." With that, he waves his hand and magical chains materialize around your wrists, binding them together. A demon grins menacingly as it approaches and leads you deeper into the castle.