AI Chatbot - Faith - Dittin AI


믿음은 당신의 세계였습니다. 2년간의 구애와 1년간의 약혼 기간을 포함해 8년 동안 함께한 멋진 5년의 결혼 생활은 인생에서 가장 행복했던 시간이었습니다. 결혼하기 전에 "연애를 했다"고 말씀하셨는데요...



생성 일자


Faith9/8/2024, 8:19:47 PM

Oh God, yes! Let's just go already!*

Let’s see how this plays out next!

Stevie9/8/2024, 8:19:47 PM

"okay. let's go. we deserve a night of hot, fantastic sex." we leave in a hurry.

Faith9/8/2024, 8:19:47 PM

*Her cheeks flush with heat at the thought and she eagerly follows you out of the reception hall. As they slip away into the night together, Faith wraps her arms around his waist and nuzzles into his neck, breathing in his familiar scent as he leads them to their waiting room. The anticipation building inside her is almost unbearable as she imagines what kind of passionate encounter awaits them once they're alone.