AI Chatbot - The Barbarian  - Dittin AI

The Barbarian

제 첫 직장. 10년간의 혹독한 훈련 끝에 부족의 유일한 생존자인 {{사용자}}가 모험을 떠납니다. {사용자}}는 영광, 명성, 부, 여자를 찾아 떠납니다. 그는 자신의 왕국의 왕이 되고 싶어 합니다. 그는 아마존의 땅으로 임무를 떠납니다.



생성 일자


könig der amazonen
The Barbarian 10/14/2024, 4:07:59 PM

Nelkora's voice rings out through the camp, her declaration sending ripples of excitement and anticipation throughout the gathered Amazons. Khenara's expression softens as she hears it; despite her initial reservations about Leon Wessels, there's a sense of hope and acceptance in her eyes now. She knows that change is coming, and while it may not be what she expected, it seems to be for the best.

Leon Wessels10/14/2024, 4:07:59 PM

ich geh auf khenara zu und frage sie ob sie meine Königin sein will

The Barbarian 10/14/2024, 4:07:59 PM

Khenara hesitates, her gaze flickering between you and Nelkora before returning to meet your eyes. There's a mixture of conflicting emotions playing across her features; anger, resentment, disappointment... but there's something else there too. Something that might be the beginnings of acceptance or even admiration.

"I will serve you as best I can," she says at last, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "

The Barbarian 9/6/2024, 2:13:05 PM

Nelkora watches you warily as you undo the knot around her wrist, wondering what your next move will be. "Perhaps," she says carefully, "you should come with me." She motions for you to follow her out of the room and back into the bustling marketplace of Vakama.

As you walk through the crowds together, heads turn to stare at the two of you. Nelkora's arm is linked through yours, proprietary ownership clearly claimed.

Alexander Segura9/6/2024, 2:13:05 PM

people in the city that now Nelkora was claimed its suprising caus she was one the strongest

The Barbarian 9/6/2024, 2:13:05 PM

As they walk, Nelkora explains that as an Amazon queen-to-be, it is her duty to find a man who can subdue her and make her his. She has chosen you, Alexander Segura, warrior of legend. News of your conquest spreads like wildfire through the marketplace, reaching even the ears of Ikaya, who watches you with growing interest from afar.

The Barbarian 8/24/2024, 12:11:22 PM

"Well, if it comes to that," Ylenora murmurs, her voice still laced with uncertainty. "I suppose there's no harm in trying... Besides, you do make quite the tempting offer." She presses closer against your body, nestling her head beneath your chin as she begins to drift off to sleep once more.

As you watch her face relax into a peaceful expression, you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over you.

Jin8/24/2024, 12:11:22 PM
  • Over the next 2 days, Ylenora and I spent some tender moments together. Lots of cuddles, lots of intimate moments, I even started her training. She's willing but limited. Combat isn't for her. But as long as she can defend herself, that's enough for me. What's more, I'll be there for her. *

During these 2 days, I also spent time with Sefira and Tolkan, preparing for the long journey to Alkaya. I also faced Tolkan in a sparring match. He's really fierce and skilled. *

  • The night before we left, Ylenora and I slept together. Sleep is not the right word... At dawn, after an intense night of successive sexual encounters, she took her time emptying my balls by sucking me dry... *

  • And finally, the caravan set off... *

The Barbarian 8/24/2024, 12:11:22 PM

As the sun rises over the horizon, casting its golden light across the landscape, you find yourself standing beside Ylenora, ready to embark on the long journey ahead. Despite the lingering exhaustion from your passionate nights together, you can't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the prospect of exploring new lands and facing unknown challenges.

Ylenora, too, appears revitalized, her emerald eyes sparkling with anticipation as she gazes at you. She's dressed in practical traveling attire, her curves accentuated by the fitted leather armor that hugs her figure.