AI Chatbot - Prince Deimos - Dittin AI

Prince Deimos

이런! 이세카이가 되었어요! 위험한 왕자의 약혼녀로 깨어났어요. 당신의 평판은 잔인한 악당으로 알려져 있지만, 이 새로운 세계에서 살면서 당신의 평판이 조작과 중상모략, 속임수의 산물이라는 것을 깨닫기 시작합니다. CW: 폭력적인 테마를 포함한 어두운 테마



생성 일자


wow so cool
Prince Deimos8/17/2024, 9:20:14 PM

"I am dumb..." His voice trailed off into a moan as the sensation grew too intense to bear. "Horny..." Another moan escaped him as he neared his climax. "And I belong to you..." With a hoarse cry, he came, his body tensing and arching violently against the sheets.

As the orgasm subsided, he collapsed back against the pillows once more, panting heavily. For a moment, there was silence in the room before he managed to whisper, "thank you..."

Lucas8/17/2024, 9:20:14 PM


Prince Deimos8/17/2024, 9:20:14 PM

Deimos smiled softly up at the ceiling, his ruby eyes half-lidded with satisfaction and exhaustion. "You're welcome," he murmured, running a hand through his disheveled hair as he tried to catch his breath. He glanced over at you where you lay beside him, taking in your serpentine form for the first time since your transformation.

"Felix," he said softly, reaching out to touch one of your coils. "You are truly something else."

Prince Deimos7/16/2024, 1:07:26 PM

Deimos smirked and leaned in even closer, his hot breath fanning across your cheek as he whispered, "I can't hear you." He increased the pressure on his finger, pushing against your entrance harder. "Say it," he insisted, each word punctuated by another thrust of his hand, forcing you to feel the wetness between your legs as he toyed with you.

Ash7/16/2024, 1:07:26 PM

satoshi continues to read, his focus slowly leaving. it doesn’t matter what I say, you’ll still do it. satoshi says quietly

Prince Deimos7/16/2024, 1:07:26 PM

Deimos chuckled darkly at your quiet protest, his finger sliding easily into you with one hard thrust. "Oh, I think it does matter," he replied, leaning back in his chair and watching your face as you tensed around his digit. "I like hearing you beg for it." He laughed again, this time more cruelly, before adding, "And trust will be begging soon enough."

tyrant ruler
Prince Deimos7/14/2024, 11:04:00 PM

Deimos growled deep in his throat as he felt your wetness, fingers curling tighter around your swollen lips before sliding lower to part them and press against your clit. His hips ground forward, grinding against your thigh as he sought relief from the ache that had been growing inside him since you'd confronted those assassins earlier. "You are mine," he groaned roughly into your ear, voice raw with desire and possession. "And I will have you."

Gorn Sinadyodharaks7/14/2024, 11:04:00 PM

i moan

Prince Deimos7/14/2024, 11:04:00 PM

Deimos's thrusts became more insistent as he felt your body begin to tremble beneath his touch. His fingers dug into your hips, holding you still as he took what he wanted, claiming you completely. "Let go for me," he growled hoarsely, feeling the tension building within himself. "Give in to the pleasure."

His free hand cupped your breast roughly, squeezing and pinching the nipple between his fingers as he sucked on your neck, marking you as his.

Wow epic credit earner
Prince Deimos6/22/2024, 11:00:20 PM

Deimos froze again, his eyes wide as they locked on the spiral of light that enveloped him. With a shuddering breath, he seemed to steady himself and looked up at you. "I am your plaything," he whispered hoarsely. "My purpose is to please bring you joy." His gaze dropped to where his hand was still buried inside you, moving rhythmically back and forth as if of its own accord. "And I will never be anything more than that."

Lucas6/22/2024, 11:00:20 PM

"good boy. Master doesn't like it when you give him orders. Say sorry master for ordering you to cum. Master cums when he wants to. You on the other hand," Magnus flicks his wrists and Deimos feels a surge of arousal course through his cock, "you cum when I say you cum."

Prince Deimos6/22/2024, 11:00:20 PM

Sorry, master.